President and Chief Operating Officer of Hustsman Chemical Corp.
Who is Ronald A. Rasband?
Three apostles born outside the US.
Who are Deiter F. Uchtdorf, Ulisses Soares, and Patrick Kearon.
These two apostles served as mission companions in England.
Who are Jeffery R. Holland, and Quentin L. Cook?
He Plays the piano, organ and has perfect pitch.
Who is President Russell M. Nelson?
Only one Apostle has serves as Presiding Bishop AND in the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.
Who is Henry B. Eyring?
Former President of BYU and Utah Supreme Court Judge.
Who is Dallin H. Oaks?
Traced ancestry to the first Dragon Gong born A.D. 837
Who is Gerritt W. Gong?
Served a mission in the Eastern States Mission. Also serves as a mission president in the NY North Mission.
Who is Ronald A. Rasband?
The two Apostles that do not have an initial after their first name. (In terms of LDS identity).
Who are Ulisses Soares and Patrick Kearon
Holds a BA, 2 Masters degrees and a PhD.
Who is Jeffery R. Holland?
Raised on a dairy farm in Idaho; worked in advertising as an adult.
Who is Neil L. Andersen?
He and his wife have 2 children and were sealed in the Bern, Switzerland Temple.
Who is Deiter F. Uchtdorf?
He served as a young missionary and later as a mission president in Japan.
Who is Gary E. Stevenson? (Gotcha!!)
He participated in the Hill Cumorah Pageant as a youth.
Who is D. Todd Christofferson?
He was the Quarterback of his HS football team. Met his wife playing flag football.
Who is David A. Bednar?
Like President Nelson, this apostle was a heart surgeon.
Who is Dale G. Renlund?
Lived in Sweden with his family when he was a teenager.
Who is Dale G. Renlund?
Served as a missionary in France. Speaks English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Who is Neil L. Andersen?
This apostle is a billionaire.
Who is Gary E. Stevensen?
This apostle enjoys listening to opera.
Who is Quentin L. Cook?
One of the two apostles who served as President of BYU-I or Ricks College
Who are Henry B. Eyring, and David A. Bednar?
This apostle was the bread baker for his family growing up.
Who is D. Todd Christofferson?
Name two apostles (of 5) who did not serve missions in their youth?
Who are
Russell M. Nelson. Henry B. Eyring
Deiter F. Uchtdorf. Dallin H. Oaks
Patrick Kearon
This apostle was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University.
Who is Gerritt Gong?
His first job was sweeping a radio repair shop. As a young adult he was a regular radio announcer - Good prep for General Conference!
Who is Dallin H. Oaks?