Leading up to Settlement
City Settlement
City Characteristics
Proposing a New State
State Symbols

Why did Mormons leave their home in the East for the West?

What is Religious Persecution


When did the Latter Day Saints enter the Salt Lake Valley?

When is July 24, 1847


How did the pioneers move water from one area of the city to another?

What are irrigation ditches along most of the streets


How many modern-day states did the proposed state of Deseret cover? 

*Name ONE of the modern-day states Deseret was supposed to cover. (Any additional state, will earn your team 10 points for EACH correct answer!!)

What is 9

(Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming, and Colorado)


This flower saved the LDS pioneers from starving the first winter they arrived in the valley. 

What is Sego Lily


Who was the leader that lead the LDS pioneers out to the west?

Who is Brigham Young


What infamous words did Brigham Young say when he and other Latter Day Saints entered the Valley?

What is, "This is the right place! Move on!"


The LDS set up their streets in this format.

What is the grid system


Why was the proposed name of the state called "Deseret"?

What is because it was a Book of Mormon word meaning "Honeybee"


According to the LDS pioneers, God sent what bird to save them from the infestation of the crickets?

What is California Seagull


Who lead the extermination order which lawfully meant Mormons could be harrassed and attacked?

Who is Missouri's Governor Boggs


The Latter Day Saints first settled in which country?

What is Mexico


What are was desginated for farmland?

What was land directly around the city


How many times did Utah apply for Statehood? 

What is 6 times


Once they settled in the Salt Lake Valley, what insect did the LDS pioneers compare themselves to? 

("busy as...") 

What is Honeybee



What were some reasons the Salt Lake Valley was appealing to the LDS?

What is ...

  1. Outside of the US in Mexico

  2. Isolated from others

  3. LDS could practice their religion


What war changed the ownership of land the LDS settled?

Mexican-American War


What was ONE challenge of settling the Salt Lake Valley? 

What was... 

  1. Bringing timber from the mountains

  2. Irrigating to channel water for the crops

  3. Having enough food


Name ONE reason why Congress didn't grant the LDS statehood.

What is... 

  1. There were less than 60,000 people in the area

  2. Brigham Young and church leaders had too much power. 

  3. Saints weren’t law abiding citizens because they practiced polygamy



What are the 2 years on the Utah State Flag represent? 

What is 1847, the year of arriving in the SLV and 1896, the year of statehood


List 3 of the 6 reasons why non-Mormons disliked or created conflict with the LDS. 

**Get double points for naming all 6!! 

  1. ANTI SLAVERY (Against Slavery)

  2. NEW MARRIAGE (Polygamy)

  3. NEW ECONOMICS (Giving all to Church)

  4. NEW POLITICS (Voting in Blocs)

  5. NEW CONVERTS (Growing number of Mormons)

  6. NEW SCRIPTURE (Book of Mormon)


What was ONE of the 3 most important tasks the LDS had to accomplish when they arrived in the valley?

What is ...

  1. Find food and water

  2. Build homes

  3. Explore the valley for other resources


What was in the middle of LDS cities?

What are squares in the center for parks and public and religious buildings (like the LDS Temple)



What did the Compromise of 1850 do?

What is created the Utah Territory


What is the state motto and how does it relate to Utah's history? 

What is "INDUSTRY"

Utahn's had to work busily to make a new community when they first settled the valley.