Prophets and Pioneers
Sacred Scriptures
Temples and Ordinances
Church History
Latter-day Saint Culture Around the World

This prophet translated the Book of Mormon from golden plates.

Who is Joseph Smith?


This book is considered the 'keystone' of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What is the Book of Mormon?


This ordinance can be done by the young women and young men in the temple.

What is baptisms for the dead?


In 1820, God the Father and Jesus Christ appeared to a young Joseph Smith in this event leading to the founding of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

What is the First Vision?


This country is home to the largest population of Latter-day Saints outside of the United States.

What is Mexico?


He was the second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, leading the Saints to the Salt Lake Valley.

Who is Brigham Young?


In the Book of Mormon, this prophet and his brothers were known for their retrieval of the brass plates and epic journey to the promised land.

Who is Nephi?


This temple ordinance allows families to be together forever.

What is a sealing?


This event marked a significant milestone in LDS Church history as the formal organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints took place.

What is the organization of the Church on April 6, 1830?


In many LDS congregations, members participate in this biannual event where leaders provide guidance and inspiration.

What is General Conference?


She was the first woman to serve as Relief Society General President.

Who is Emma Smith?

In the Pearl of Great Price, this book contains writings from this prophet known for his covenant and multitudinous posterity.

What is the Book of Abraham?


This King built the first stationary temple in Jerusalem

Who is King Solomon


This city in Illinois became a gathering place for early members of the Church before the Saints moved west.

What is Nauvoo


Among the Rocky Mountains, this state has the highest concentration of Church members anywhere in the world.

What is Utah


Serving as the 4th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, this leader played a significant role in issuing the Manifesto that officially ended the practice of plural marriage among Latter-day Saints.

Who is Wilford Woodruff?


In this book a prophet is shown leading a city so righteous that it was taken up to heaven.

What is the Book of Moses?

This ceremony, performed in LDS temples, is a covenant and promise to follow Jesus Christ.

What is the Endowment?


This unique artifact, discovered by Joseph Smith, played a crucial role in the translation of the Book of Mormon.

What is the Urim and Thummim?

This annual celebration commemorates the arrival of the pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley.

What is Pioneer Day?


These two handcart companies faced tragedy in Wyoming during the winter of 1856.

Who are the Willie and Martin Handcart companies


In the Book of Mormon, this ancient prophet, often regarded as a military leader, delivered a powerful sermon known as the "Title of Liberty," emphasizing the importance of defending freedom and righteousness.

Who is Captain Moroni?


In the Doctrine and Covenants, this section outlines the instructions for building a temple in Kirtland.

What is Section 94?


This event, occurring in 1844, marked a tragic turning point in LDS Church history, as the founder and prophet of the church was killed by a mob in Carthage Jail.

What is the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith?


In 1997, President Gordon B. Hinckley announced plans to make temple blessings more accessible by instituting this initiative?

What is the Small Temple Initiative?