Gospel Truths
Latter Day Saints
Teachings of Luke
Seminary Students
Doctrinal Mastery Topics
After calling His disciples, Jesus conferred this authority on them.
What is the priesthood?
He is the Stake President of the Anaheim East Stake. He taught seminary for 13 years.
Who is President Flake?
He preached repentance and testified of the coming Messiah. He ate locusts and crickets and lived in the wilderness.
Who is John the Baptist?
This person went to San Francisco last week with her family over Thanksgiving break
Who is Avery Stowell?
By keeping these we are promised happiness and we will be able to return to live with Heavenly Father one day.
What are the "Commandments"?
On this day we are to rest, do good, and glorify God.
What is the Sabbath day?
He was the 2nd President of the Church and several of our students are applying to a university that carries his name.
Who is Brigham Young?
After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus fasted for this many days in the wilderness.
What are 40 days?
She went shopping over Thanksgiving break but wasn't too happy with anything she found. Her name is one of the 5 Burroughs of New York City.
Who is Brooklyn Furniss?
Through Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ reestablished His church again here on the earth.
What is the "Restoration"?
This book contains details of the life of Jesus Christ and of his ministry.
What is the New Testament?
He was the Prophet at a fireside at BYU when Brother Hoke was watching from Ricks college and a man carrying a bomb threatened his safety.
Who is Ezra Taft Benson?
Jesus asked Simon to do this after a night of unsuccessful fishing.
What is throw the nets on the other side of the boat?
Over Thanksgiving break she played "capture the flag" at the stake center parking lot.
Who is Hayley Petersen?
This covenant and unit are at the most important part of the Plan of Salvation. If done correctly, we are promised to be with our parents and siblings for all eternity.
What is "Marriage and Family"?
Peter asks Jesus to walk on this and as he did, he lost faith and started to sink.
What is water on the Sea of Galilee?
He is the Lord's mouthpiece on earth and through him God gives direction to us. If we follow him, we will not be led astray.
Who is the prophet? Who is President Monson?
His surname was Simon and was the senior disciple who was given the keys to the kingdom of God on earth.
Who is Peter?
He served his mission in Spain and taught our seminary class on Monday.
Who is Hunter Priest?
1) With this authority the earth was created. 2) A bishop holds these to have stewardship and to direct the work in his ward.
What is the "Priesthood and Priesthood Keys"?
In this parable we are taught to love God and love others if we are to obtain eternal life. A beaten man is helped on the side of the road...
What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?
This prophet gave instruction in the early 2000's to get out of debt and live within our means just a few years before the financial crisis of 2008.
Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?
He raised this widow's son from the dead.
Who is The widow of Nain?
These 2 students spent Thanksgiving break camping at Carlsbad State Beach.
Who are Landon Laitinen and Brian Child?
We make and keep these in righteousness to show our love for God and become more like Him.
What are "Ordinances and Covenants"?