Where did Jesus go after he visited with the apostles?
Acts 1: 9-10
Taken up to heaven
What appeared the night Jesus was born?
Matt 2:9
A new star
The Bishop's full name
Richard Brandan Worthen
Love, joy, peace, long suffering are examples of the ___ of the spirit
Gal 5:22-25
The First Counselor in Bishopric (full name)
David Arnold Wilcox
Where was Saul when he saw the light from heaven?
Acts 9:3
"Road to Damascus"
The Second Counselor in Bishopric (full name)
Adam Ray Larson
After healing the lepers, how many came back?
Luke 17: 12-19
only one :(
What part of the plant did Paul tell the Colossians they needed to have for more strength?
Col 2:7
Why were Jesus and his apostles gathered when they had the last supper?
to celebrate Passover
Who is the prophet (his name) who visited Saul after he saw the light and couldn't see, eat, or drink for three days?
Acts 9:10
Prophet Ananias
Where were the Ten Virgins going?
Matt 25:1-13
The wedding feast or waiting for the bridegroom
Where was Lazarus when Jesus came to him?
John 11:37-44
A sepulture -- Lazarus was dead for four days!
The church is built upon the foundation of _________ & _________.
Eph 2:20
Apostles & Prophets
Who wrote the book of Revelations in the bible?
My favorite church activity this year
How many times do we need to forgive our brethren?
Matt 18:21-35
Seventy times seven
James tells us to bridle our whole body, but most importantly this part of our FACE.
James 3: 1-11
Paul tells us we will inherit all God has -- we will be what kind of heirs?
Rom 8:17
Joint Heirs
What was lost not long after the New Testament during the great Apostasy.
What is the "Priesthood and Priesthood Keys"?
When Paul was held captive in prison, what city was he held in?
Acts 28:16
City of Rome
What are the names of the four fisherman that Jesus called as Apostles?
Mat 4:18-22
Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John
In the parable of the lost coin, what does the lost coin represent?
Luke 15:8–10
People fallen away from the gospel
The name of the new gospel program laid out and practiced this year
Come Follow Me
This is what we studied this year that was once old and is now NEW
New Testament.