The bible verse that inspired Joseph Smith to seek for truth.
What is James 1:5?
The first ordinance someone born in the church receives.
What is a baby blessing?
This is called the theme song for Missionary Work
What is Called to Serve?
This angel instructed Joseph Smith about the gold plates.
Who is Angel Moroni?
The place where Joseph Smith received his first vision.
What is the Sacred Grove
The first saving ordinance a person receives.
What is baptism?
2025 YM and YW Theme Song
What is Look Unto Christ?
He is Joseph Smith's scribe that lost the 116 pages of translated manuscript.
Who is Martin Harris?
How many years passed before Joseph Smith was able to take home the gold plates.
What is 4 years?
The saving ordinance that only men receive.
What is Melchizedek Priesthood?
Hymn written to honor the life and contribution of Joseph Smith.
What is Praise to the Man?
The Angel who restored the Aaronic Priesthood
Who is John the Baptist?
These stones were with the gold plates.
What is Urim and Thummim?
The ordinance that binds families for eternities.
What is Temple Marriage and sealing?
Hymn about the first vision.
What is Joseph Smith's First Prayer?
They are the 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
Who are Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris and David Whitmer?
On this day, the church was organized.
What is April 6, 1830?
Sacred acts that have spiritual significance performed thru priesthood authority
What is an Ordinance?
Who organized the first hymn book of the church.
Who is Emma Smith?
The first person baptized in this dispensation.
Who is Oliver Cowdery?