He appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery on May 15, 1929 to restore the Aaronic Priesthood.
Who is John the Baptist?
Bless the sacrament, prepare the sacrament, pass the sacrament, collect fast offerings, serve as a ministering brother.
What are duties of the Aaronic Priesthood?
Priesthood holders are sanctified by the Spirit unto the ________ __ _____ ______ D&C 84:33
What is "renewing of their bodies?"
This is the most important and fundamental organization of the church.
What is the family?
Melchizedek held this priesthood office. Alma 13:14
What is high priest?
The power of God delegated to His children to act for the blessing and salvation of all mankind.
What is the priesthood?
Teach, preach, baptize, confirm, conduct meetings. administer to the sick, D&C 20:38
What are duties of the Melchizedek Priesthood?
Faithful priesthood holders become the "sons" of these ancient prophets. D&C 84:34
Who are Moses, Aaron, and Abraham?
He presides in righteouness over the most important organizational unit of the church and serves as an equal partner with his companion.
Who is the father?
Abraham paid this to Melchizedek. Hebrew 7:2, Alma 13:15
What are tithes?
We do not refer to a group of young men or men as "the priesthood." Rather, they are known as this.
What are "priesthood holders" or a "priesthood quorum"?
Fulfill all the responsibilities of an elder and can be ordained to the office of bishop, stake president, etc. D&C 107:10
What are the duties of a High Priest?
Besides becoming "sons" of ancient prophets, priesthood holders also become ___ _____ __ ___. D&C 84:34
What is "the elect of God"?
An organized group of brethern who hold the same priesthood office.
What is a quorum?
Melchizedek was king of this land. Alma 13:17
What is Salem?
They appeared to Josepth Smith and Oliver Cowdery to restore the Melchizedek priesthood.
Who are Peter, James, and John?
Fulfill the responsibilities of elder and high priest and give patriarchal blessings.
What are the duties of a Patriarch?
Those who receive the priesthood also receive this person. D&C 84:35
Who is the Lord?
'All who receive this priesthood, receiveth me saith the Lord.'
To serve others, build unity and brotherhood, and instruct one another.
What are purposes of a quorum?
After receiving the office of the high priesthood according to the holy order of God, Melchizedek first did this. Alma 13:18
What is preach repentance?
The Lord declared, "The rights of the priesthood are inseparable connected with the _____ _ _____ and that the _______ __ ____ cannot be controlled nor handled only upon the principles of righteousness." D&C 121:36
What is "powers of heaven" ?
Serve as special witnesses of Jesus Christ to all the world, build up and regulate the affairs of the Church; holds the keys of the kingdom of God on the Earth, is a prophet seer, and revelator. D&C 23,33
What are the duties of an Apostle?
Faithful priesthood holders also receive four other entities. D&C 84:36-39 .
What is receive the Savior, receive God the Father, receive the Father's Kingdom, receive all that the Father hath?
When set apart under the proper authority, both men and women fulfill their calling with this.
What is "priesthood power"?
This is the literal meaning of "Melchizedek". Hebrew 7:2
What is "King of Righteousness"?