Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Modern Prophets
Adam and Eve were placed in this garden.
What is the Garden of Eden?
Jesus called 12 of these to be His witnesses and preach His gospel.
What are apostles?
The Book of Mormon is another testament of this person. He is mentioned or referred to approximately 3,925 times in the Book of Mormon.
Who is Jesus Christ?
Doctrine & Covenants 89 is an answer to Joseph's prayer concerning tobacco, and prompted this set of health rules which all members of the LDS Church must obey to remain worthy.
What is the Word of Wisdom?

This prophet lead the pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley. He was the longest president of the Church serving for 30 years.

Who is Brigham Young?

This prophet had 11 brothers, 10 of whom sold him into slavery. They took his coat of many colors and put goats blood on it to convince their father that an animal killed him.
Who is Joseph?
This prophet was foreordained to prepare the people to listen to Jesus Christ. He taught and baptized people in the wilderness.
Who is John the Baptist?
This man hid sacred records in the Hill Cumorah after receiving them from his father. As an angel, he showed Joseph Smith where they were buried.
Who is Moroni?
The first principle of the gospel. A person must show this before being baptized a member of the church.
What is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?
This modern prophet dedicated or rededicated 92 different temples; 87 while president of the Church.
Who is Gordon B. Hinckley?
When Moses was the prophet, he unleashed a plague on Egypt which turned water into this substance.
What is blood?
Each of these four men wrote an account of Jesus' life (celled a gospel).
Who are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John?
This city was the capital of the Nephites.
What is Zarahemla?
The first temple built in this dispensation, Joseph Smith saw a vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus there, as well as several prophets of old, who conferred Priesthood keys upon him.
What is the Kirtland Temple?
This prophet taught that the Book of Mormon is the "keystone" of our religion.
Who is Ezra Taft Benson?
Known for his great wisdom, this king of Israel was the son of David and Bathsheba.
Who is Solomon?
Initially an enemy to the Church, this man was converted through a vision which left him temporarily blind. He later became an apostle, and several of his letters or epistles to various congregations are included in the New Testament.
Who is Paul?
This prophet suffered death by fire at the hands of King Noah and his wicked Priests.
Who is Abinadi?
On this day, the LDS Church was formed in the home of David Whitmer (D&C 20).
What is April 6, 1830?
During his presidency, the priesthood was extended to all worthy male members of the Church.
Who is Spencer W. Kimball?
This short Old Testament book tells the story of a man who was eaten by a whale, but survived the experience.
What is the Book of Jonah?
When Nicodemus spoke with Jesus at night (in John chapter 3), he was instructed that in order to enter the kingdom of God, a man must be born of water and of this substance.
What is Spirit?
Moroni invites us to read, ponder, and pray to ask God if the Book of Mormon is true in these verses.
What is Moroni 10:3-5?

Joseph Smith was in Liberty Jail when he received a revelation teaching that the rights of the priesthood are inseparably connected with this power (D&C 121:34-38).

What is the powers of heaven?

He was President of the Church for less than a year; he encouraged all members of the Church to become temple worthy.
Who is Howard W. Hunter?