What were the golden plates made of?
What is gold
Who is the current Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Who is Russell M. Nelson?
What is the first book in the Book of Mormon?
What is 1st Nephi
After the pioneers left Missouri, what city did they settle in after crossing the plains?
What is Salt Lake City, Utah
Who was the first prophet of the Restoration and had angels appear to him as a young man?
Who is Joseph Smith
Name one of Nephi's family members
Who is Lehi, Sariah, Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Jacob or Joseph
What was the name of the angel who led Joseph Smith to the gold plates?
Who is the Angel Moroni
What is our Bishops name?
Who is Mike Labit
What was the name of the angel who led Joseph Smith to the gold plates?
Who is the Angel Moroni
What big event do we watch in April and October where church leaders speak?
What is General Conference
Who was the Prophet before Russell M. Nelson?
Who is Thomas S. Monson
What are your Primary Leaders names, the ones that are in the room with you right now?
Who is Brother Lance Leslie and Brother Josh Rudder
What color of clothing do people wear inside the temple?
What is White
Who was Prophet before Thomas S. Monson?
Who is Gordon B. Hinckley
What is the most important part of the Book of Mormon or the culminating event in 3 Nephi? (Hint: someone appeared to the Nephites that they had been waiting hundreds of years for)
What is when Jesus appeared to the Nephites