Weekly Gospel
Wonders of the Mass
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Sinh Hoạt / Additional Curriculum
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“Many are invited, but few are _____.” 

(Matthew 22:14)

What is "chosen"?


This is a simple, but profound prayer that affirms our baptism. In calling on His name - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - we are reminded that we have access to God through our baptism.

What is the Sign of the Cross?


As Nghĩa Sĩ we will get to witness the sunset of our ________ and experience the sunrise of our lives as _______

What is childhood/youth and adulthood/adult?


This nút secures a rope to a post and is the starting point for our lashing.

What is Clove Hitch/Nút Thuyền Chài?


Nguyện bền chí ____ _____ Chúa Giê-Su tuổi thơ,

What is "theo gương"?


This is the English translation of "Khai Mạc".

What is Opening Ceremony?


“This is my ______ ___. Listen to him.” (Mark 9:7)

What is "beloved Son"?


They are lay people or religious who are trained and entrusted with the sacred responsibility of assisting the priest or deacon in offering Holy Communion to the faithful

Who are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion?


This natural teaching method helps develop public speaking skills, courage, and creativity while learning the story

What are plays/skits/LTTT?


This nút is used to tie two poles together to make one longer pole.

What is Round Lashing/Nút Nối Cây?


Em Thiếu Nhi ơi, em là chiến sĩ ___ ____,

What is "Phúc Âm"?


These three songs are sung after “Chào cờ… chào!”...... “Thôi” during Chào Cờ Trọng Thể.

What are the National Anthem, Quốc Ca Việt Nam, and Thiếu Nhi Tân Hành Ca?


“It was ____ _____ in the morning when they crucified him.” (Mark 15:25)

What is "nine o'clock"?


This is a person who is appointed to be the voice through which God becomes present to us in the Mass. Preparation for the role should be spiritual, scriptural, and practical.

Who is lector?


This decree which stated that children can receive Holy Communion when they are old enough by Pope Pius X in 1910 is the root for TNTT's Communion in our Khẩu Hiệu.

Quan Singulari


This nút is used to loop around but not tighten around an object and is known to rescue people.

What is Bowline/Nút Ghế Đơn?


Các việc con làm, các lời con xin, cùng với mọi ___ ___ con chịu trót một ngày qua. 

What is "khó nguy"?


After SMT finishes presenting the story, Trưởng Trực does a băng reo. This is what Trưởng Trực should do right after doing a băng reo.

What is a song?


While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, gave it to them, and said, "Take it; ___ __ __ ___." (Mark 14:22)

What is "this is my body"?


This Opening Prayer is called this because it gathers all the prayers of the people and the priest offers those prayers to God the Father for this Mass.

What is the "Collect"?


This is a Catholic organization whose ideal is to offer one’s life to protect the Church and is the root for TNTT’s Sacrifice in our Khẩu Hiệu.

What is Crusade of the Cross (Đạo Binh Thánh Giá)?


This structure officially welcomes everyone into this special atmosphere of TNTT camps.

What is camp gate?


thánh hóa ___ ___ rèn những khả năng phi thường.

What is "môi trường"?


This is what Trưởng Trực will do after Tổng Trực is done presenting awards in next part of Bế Mạc.

What is inviting SMT for Câu Chuyện Dưới Cờ?


“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your ____, with all your ___, and with all your ____.” (Matthew 22:37) Please answer in order.

What is "heart," "soul," and "mind"?


This tells us of the wonderful actions of God, both throughout history and in our lives, and is our opportunity to give thanks to God for all these things before receiving His most beautiful gift of His precious Body and Blood in the Eucharist. 

What is Preface?


This is the year that prominent TNTT leaders gathered in Louisiana and officially started the VEYS in the USA.

When is 1984?


This nút is used to tie two poles together that cross perpendicularly at 90 degrees.

What is Square Lashing/Nút Hình Vuông?


Cho được đền vì tội lỗi con và ___ ___ theo ý Chúa.

What is "cầu nguyện"?


This is the list of most important to least important if these guests are present:

Huynh Trưởng, Trợ Tá, Phụ Huynh, Cha

What is Cha, Trợ Tá, Huynh Trưởng, and Phụ Huynh?


“This is my commandment: ___ __ ______ __ _ ___ ___.” (John 15:12)

What is "love one another as I love you"?


This is our recognition of the Paschal Mystery, that is, Christ’s work of redemption through His Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension that we experience in each and every celebration of Mass.

What is Memorial Acclamation?


This is a spiritual teaching method in which we are placed in front of the Body of Christ and engage in song, prayer, and reflection & connect/share our thoughts with Him through events like Eucharistic Adoration or visiting the Tabernacle

What is Eucharistic Time?


This image represents this nút.

What is Diagonal Lashing/Nút Chữ Thập?


Tim ta đây còn ___ ___ bao nhiêu mối tình mặn nồng

What is "khắc ghi"?


This is what Trưởng Trực would exactly say in Viet when inviting SMT for a story.

What is "Xin mời Sa mạc trưởng cho câu chuyện dưới cờ.”?