How many units does LD Sai Gon have?
4 units:
Au Girls, Troop Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Troop Boy Scouts
What is another name for the rescue knot?
Who is the founder of the Boy Scout movement?
Robert Baden-Powell
What is the scout cheer for LDSG?
Sài Gòn đẹp lắm, Sài Gòn ơi, Sài Gòn ơi !
Who is the Lien Doan Truong?
Tr. Nguyen
When was LD Sai Gon Founded?
March 23 2019
What does the "Patrol Method" mean in scouting?
A Scout patrol is a small team of normally 6-8 members where Scouts learn skills together, share responsibilities and take on leadership roles
Whos is the USA Girl Scout founder?
Juliette Gordon Low (Daisy)
What is the Scout Oath in Vietnamese?
Tôi lấy danh dự hứa cố gắng hết sức. Làm bổn phận đối với tín ngưỡng tâm linh, Tổ quốc và quốc gia tôi. Giúp ích mọi người bất cứ lúc nào. Tuân theo Luật Hướng Ðạo.
Who is the Truong of the Brownie unit?
Tr. Isabel & Tr. Vi
Who created the LD Sai Gon Patch
Tr. Laura
What is "Leave No Trace"?
Leave everything just as you found it
Who is the founder of Vietnamese Scouting?
Trần Văn Khắc
What is the 9th line for Scout Law in Vietnamese?
Hướng Ðạo sinh cần kiệm và liêm khiết.
Who is the Truong of Juniors?
Tr. Urna & Tr. Uyen
How many Eagle Scouts and Silver Awards does LD Sai Gon have?
3 Eagle Awards 13 Silver Awards
What is the first thing you do in a HURRY Case?
Check for signs of life and call 911
Who was Trần Quốc Toản?
Trần Quốc Toản was the youngest Vietnamese General against Mongol Invaders.
What is the scouting emblem and what is its meaning?
-The fleur-de-lis, a three-pointed, flowerlike symbol
-The three points signify the scout oath.
-The square knot and rope symbloize unity and family of the scouting movement
-Stars stand for knowledge and truth
Name 3 dishes from Mien Trung, Vietnam
Answers may vary
What is the Cub unit's name?
Mạc Đĩnh Chi
What first aid technique do you use for someone who is choking? Demonstrate
Heimlich Maneuver
Who is Bát Nàn?
Bát Nàn is one of the best female soldiers of Hai Bà Trưng.
What does the scout circle mean?
Unity and unbreakable friendship
What year was Tr. Jimmy born?