Name that Fallacy!
Valid or Invalid?
Causes of Collapse
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Things Fall Apart
Weltmacht oder Niedergang ("World-domination or destruction").
What is black and white fallacy/false dilemma?
If all puppies are dogs, And all dogs are mammals, Then all puppies are mammals.
What is valid?
When a civilization - like ancient China - has territorial disputes along its borders - the ancient Huns.
What is hostile neighbors?
When we judge the ethics of an event by its outcome.
What is consequentialism?
The most fundamental reason why systems fail, even when designed by experts, as in the case of the well dug in an African village.
What is human error?
"We should eat at McDonald's because it has billions and billions served."
What is appeal to popularity/ad populum?
Some As are Bs. Some As are Cs. Some Bs are also Cs.
What is invalid?
The belief of medieval people that the Black Plague was caused by evil spirits or sinfulness.
What is failure to recognize the problem?
The understanding that an action's ethics are evaluated based on the action alone, rather than the circumstances, results, or intentions of that action.
What is deontology?
When there are not enough resources for everyone to have as much as they would like.
What is tragedy of the commons?
When someone automatically assumes that anyone who commits an act of terror must be Muslim.
What is straw man?
If I don't study, I will not do well on the test. I studied. Therefore, I will do well on the test.
What is invalid?
The extinction of the dinosaurs.
What is environmental causes?
A system of understanding in which every person's ethics are different and not linked to a universal truth or set of morals.
What is moral relativism?
The term for the reason(s) that Stanislav Petrov claimed the missile warning was a false alarm, even though he didn't actually know that to be the case.
What are dispositional factors?
Reporter: "Mayor, what are you going to do about the growing homeless problem?" Mayor: "We need to provide adequate housing for everyone in this city."
What is begging the question?
The pyramids are incredibly complex structures. They are so complex that they could not have been built by the ancient Egyptians. Either Egyptians or aliens built the pyramids. Therefore, the pyramids must have been built by aliens.
What is valid?
Blockbuster Video not offering online service.
What is failure to adapt?
What Philip Zimbardo considers the "source" or "cause" of evil actions by otherwise good people.
What is situational evil?
What Thomas Malthus believed would ultimately cause the collapse of societies.
What is overpopulation?
In "Bioshock Infinite," Robert and Rosalind Lutece toss a quarter 123 times and it always ends up heads. Therefore, the next time they toss it, it must be heads.
What is faulty conclusion/invalid inference?
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, then it must be a duck.
What is invalid?
The collapse of the housing market.
What is failure to address the problem?
The belief that the intrinsic morality of a person dictates the morality of their actions.
What is aretaicism?
The company Diamond believes is "doing it right" in Papua New Guinea.
What is Chevron?