What is T-shirt in French?
Un tee-shirt
What is blue inFrench?
How do you say mom in French?
Mama, la mere
What is 5 in French?
Bonjour! is hello, goodbye is --------
(say it in French)
Au revoir!
What is dress in French?
Une robe
What is the color of the sun in French?
Who is your mom's mom in French?
La grand-mere
How many fingers do you have?
(Say it in French)
What is Thank you in French?
What is pants in French?
Un pantalon
What is the color of apples in French?
Who is you dad's dad in French?
Le grand-pere
What is 10+5?
(say it in French)
If I want to apologize for not telling my mom she is beautiful I say -------
(say it in french)
What is a long sleeve shirt with buttons in the middle that is for women?
Un chemisier
What are the colors of the American flag in French?
Rouge, Blanc, et Bleu
Your uncle's daughter would be your?
(say it in French)
How do you say numbers in French?
Les Nombres
When I want to excuse myself I say ______
(Say it in French)
Excusez moi
What is clothes in French?
Les vêtements
What are the colors in a rainbow in French?
Rouge, Orange, Jaune, Vert, Bleu, Indigo, Violet
Your dad's brother's son would be your?
(say it in French)
Count from 1 to 20 in French
Good job!
One moment please!
(Say it in French)
Un instant s'il vous plaît!