What are the 2 days on the weekend?
Samedi et Dimanche
True or False: Chein = Cat & Chat = Dog
What is orange in French?
Count from 1-10
un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
True or false: Un = Masculine Une = Feminine
List the 5 week days
Lundi, Mardi, Mercredi, Jeudi, Vendredi
What does a cochon say?
Oink oink
What are the 3 primary colours?
Rouge, jaune, bleu
Put these numbers in order from smallest to largest
trente, dix, cinqante, vingt, quarante, soixante
What season is next?
What is the last day before Spring Break? *in full
Vendredi le dix de Mars
What animal bawks?
Bleu & rouge make what colour when combined?
Cinq multiplier par sept font...?
What are "he" and "she" in French?
il & elle
List the 12 months of the year backwards
decembre, novembre, octobre, septembre, aout, juillet, juin, mai, avril, mars, fevrier, janvier
List 4 aquatic animals
*Variety of answers
List 3 warm colours and 3 cool colours
Warm: rouge, jaune, orange
Cool: bleu, violette, vert
Count from 10-30
dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix-neuf, vingt, vingt et un, vingt deux, vingt trois, vingt quatre, vingt cinq, vingt six, vingt sept, vingt huit, vingt neuf, trente
What are the 2 forms of "you" in French?
tu & vous
Quel est ton anniversaire?
Each member answered saying their birthday (ex. Douze Mai)
Translate the sentence:
Canard rose, canard rose, dis-moi ce que tu vois? Je vois un serpent violet qui regarde par ici.
Pink duck, pink duck, what do you see? I see a purple snake looking at me/over here.
List the colours in a rainbow
rouge, orange, jaune, vert, bleu, indigo, violet
Cinquante moins vingt-deux font .... ?
List the 4 definite articles in French
le, la, l', les