Le passé composé - avoir
P.C vs Imparfait
Le passé composé - être
What are the 2 parts of passé composé?
They are the participe passé and the auxiliare.
What is imparfait?
Imparfait is also a past tense used to make descriptions. it is also used for habitual or repeated actions. The imparfait has 2 parts; the stem is the "nous" form of a present tense verb without the "ons", and then you add the imparfait endings.
What are some keywords to tell you if a sentence is passé composé?
They are: soudain, tout à coup, un jour, and anything with specific time/date.
What are the DR MRS VANDERTRAMP verbs?
They are: devenir, revenir, monter, retourner, sortir, venir, aller, naître, descendre, entrer, rentrer, tomber, rester, arriver, mourir, and partir.
Which reflexive pronoun do you need in the infinitive form of a reflexive verb?
You need the reflexive pronoun "se" in the infinitive form of a reflexive verb
What are the verb endings for passé composé avec avoir?
They are: er=é ir=i re=u
What are the imparfait endings?
je - ais nous - ions tu - ais vous - iez il/elle - ait ils/elles - aient
What are some keywords to tell you if a sentence is imparfait?
They are: d'habitude souvent chaque... toujours weather expressions
Pick which one isn't an irregular VANDERTRAMP verb. a) Devenir d) Venir b) Retourner e) Naître c) Revenir f) Mourir
b) Retourner This one isn't an irregular VANDERTRAMP verb.
Do reflexive verbs talk about daily routine and grooming or not?
Yes reflexive verbs talk about daily routine and grooming.
How would you fix this sentence to make it passé composé: Tu ecouter de la musique.
Tu as ecouté de la musique.
True or False: These are the imparfait forms of être and avoir. Être Avoir j'etais j'avais tu etais tu avais il/elle etait il/elle avait nous etions nous avions vous etiez vous aviez ils/elles etaient ils/elles avaient
False, because of the fact that the imparfait form of être does not have any accents on it. It should be like this: j'étais tu étais il/elle était nous étions vous étiez ils/elles étaient
True or False: passé composé and imparfait are interchangeable.
False, imparfait and passé composé aren't interchangeable.
Conjugate arriver avec nous.
Nous arrivés arrivées
How do you conjugate se brosser avec passé composé?
Se Brosser je me suis couché (e) nous nous sommes couchés (e) tu t'es couché (e) vous vous êtes couché (e)(s) il s'est couché ils se sont couchés elle s'est couchée elles se sont couchées
Of the following verbs, which one isn't an irregular verb avec avoir. a) Devoir b) Prendre c) Laver d) Croire
C) Laver
Translate this: When i was young, i ate baby food.
Translation in French: Quand j'étais jeune, je mangeais la nourriture pour bébés.
Is this sentence correct? Why or why not? Nous lisions des magazines quand soudain le professeur parlait.
It isn't correct since this sentence has an interrupted action in it. Therefore, because the sentence started with imparfait it has to end in passé composé. The correct sentence is: Nous lisions des magazines quand soudain le professeur a parlé.
Do you need to add anything to the end of VANDERTRAMP verbs?
Yes, as a matter of fact you do. You have to add an extra letter or 2 for feminine singular, masculine plural and feminine plural. You have to think of VANDERTRAMP verbs as adjectives. Add an "e" in f.s Add an "s" in m.p Add an "es" in f.p
Name 5 reflexive verbs.
s'habiller - to get dressed se raser - to shave se lever - to get up se coucher - to go to bed se maquiller - to do your make-up
Conjugate and translate mettre.
mettre means to put or place. mettre conjugated is mis.
Conjugate prendre and finir using imparfait avec elles.
prendre = nous prenons=pren= elles prenaient. finir = nous finissons=finiss= elles finissaient.
What's the difference between imparfait and passé composé?
The differences between passé composé and imparfait are; - passé composé has a specific time and happens only once - The 2 of them aren't interchangeable - imparfait is used for habitual or repeated actions - imparfait describes things such as weather expressions
Is this sentence correct: Nous sommes né au Canada.
No this sentence isn't correct since the proper ending for naître isn't there. It should be: Nous sommes nés au Canada.
Change the sentences from present tense to passé composé. tu te reveille à 8h. Max et Daniel se brossent les dents.
tu t'es reveillé à 8h. Max et Daniel se sont brossés les dents.