It's hot
il fait chaud
It's freezing
il gelé
le temps
the weather
A tornados favourite game
New Years and Easter fall during these months (In French)
janvier & avril
It's cold
il fait froid
il fait beau
il fait frais
it's cool
the year
lundi & mercredi
Monday & Wednesday
School starts in this month, and ends in this month.
septembre & juin
It's raining
il pleut
the day
le jour
it's windy
il fait du vent
il grêle
it's hailing
summer break falls during these two months, and spring break during this month
juillet et août
It's nasty
il fait mauvais
it's dark
il fait sombre
it's cloudy
il fait nuageux
le printemps
il neige
It's snowing
Friday and Saturday
vendredi & samedi
Victoria Day and Christmas fall during these months
mai & décembre
24 hours
24 heures
vingt quatre
it's foggy
il fait du brouillard
It's sunny
il fait du soleil
What is the weather like?
Quel temps fait-il?
il y a du verglas
it's slippery (black ice)
The day after Saturday (In French)
Valentines Day, Remembrance Day, & Halloween fall during these months
fevrier, novembre & octobre
It's stormy
il fait de l'orage
It's lightning
il y a des eclairs
Describe the weather today using 3 French Terms
il pleut
il fait frais
il fait nuageux
The seasons and the calendar in French (Spelling Counts)
les saisons et la calendrier
Il y a de la gelée
There is frost
List all 7 days of the week backwards in order starting from Sunday...Spelling counts
dimanche, samedi, vendredi, jeudi, mercredi, mardi, lundi
Months of the year in French differ from English months how? Also, which three months of the year have French accents?
not capitalized
février, août & décembre