Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Synergizing Win-Win
Seek first to Understand
Sharpen the Saw
Yelling and pouting are an example of...
What is being reactive
Beginning with the end in mind can help you stay focused because you are thinking about the...
What is the future
Synergizing is a fancy way of saying:
What is working together
Seeking first to Understand means...
What is thinking about how others feel before judging them.
Sharpen the saw means
What is relaxing and taking care of yourself
During an argument, two students get angrier and angrier before physcially fighting. They could have resolved this problem by...
What is seeking first to understand than to be understood.
How you act today can impact your future. If you are working hard today, you will be successful...
What is in 5th grade.
Students who think win-win solve problems by...
What is talking it out and not yelling or fighting.
Students work on getting to know each other the first few weeks of school, this will help students ___.
What is seek first to understand when arguments arise.
Playing sports, reading for fun, playing video games, and watching TV are all examples of
What is sharpening the saw
Being proactive in the morning looks like...
What is staying in the room, making your lunch choice, and doing the work listed on the board.
Juan doesn't like math. He wants to become a professional athlete. He must get what to be able to play sports in middle school and high school?
What are good grades?
At your table group, you can synergize by...
What is doing your table jobs, and listening to each other.
If you are seeking first to understand at the end of recess, you ____.
What is listening and following directions.
It is important to sharpen in the saw because
What is students and teachers need time to unwind and time for themselves that isn't school or work.
Being proactive in the hallways looks like...
What is quietly walking in line and being accountable.
Think about your future, you would like what careers other than athelete... list 3.
What is ___, ___, and ___. (Student choice)
The teacher assigns partners for math. You have to work with someone you don't like. If you are thinking Win-Win you respond by...
What is working with the students you were assigned to, and not complaining. Everyone is human and should be treated kindly.
Ways to seek first to understand when you disagree with a classmate
What is listening to them, responding calmly, and compromising.
List 5 ways you and your team sharpen the saw each day at home and at school.
What is __, __, __, __, and __.
Proactive students get special leadership opportunities. List the jobs that 5th graders can have.
What are office runners, food bag helpers, safety patrol, and peer mentors.
Think of 3 ways you can begin each day with the end in mind while in 5th grade.
What is ___, ___, and ___. (Student Choice)
If you are thinking win-win at home you are getting along with...
What is your brothers and sisters, and any adults you live with.
Students who seek first to understand can make more progress in 5th grade because...
What is students are more focused on work instead of drama, and they are kinder to their peers.
Students and teachers can sharpen the saw together each day at school by ____
What is eating lunch together, going to specials, listening to each other, playing games, or having a quick physical activity break.