I live in houses.
I have a tail, whiskers and pointy ears.
I sleep most of the day.
How many fingers does a hand have?
5 fingers
An apple is this color
I am yellow outside, but white inside.
I am long and soft
I am a fruit and I am sweet.
What's your name?
My name is ....
I am an insect. I have 8 legs.
I hunt other insects with my web.
Where is your head?
My head is
A banana is this color
I am red outside, but white inside.
I am round.
I grow on trees and you pick me in Fall.
How old are you?
I am ... years old.
I have two legs.
I lay eggs and live on the farm.
I cluck.
Where are your teeth?
My teeth are in my mouth.
Milk is this color.
I come from cows.
You like me in your cereals.
Where are you?
I am here.
I can fly.
I am not a bird. I am black
I sleep upside down during the day.
Can you sing me Head and Shoulders knees and toes?
I want to hear you!
The sky is this color
I am a vegetable.
I am long and orange.
Rabbits like me.
How do you ask for milk?
Can I have milk please?
I am big and gray.
I have big ears and a very long trunk.
Close your eyes
You cannot see the answer!
The grass is this color.
I am made of corn.
You eat me at the cinema
Pop corn
How do you ask for the bathroom?
Can I go to the bathroom please?