Chapter 22: At the Center of all our problems is us
Chapter 23: At any expense
Chapter 24: The Abstract Generation

This fever killed 70-80% of women who gave birth in hospitals in the late 18th/early 19th century. 

What is the Black Death of Childbed


Rules that allow us to balance benefits with the cost of benefits.

What is good regulations 



What is Generation Y 


Doctors performing autopsies on women killed by disease also were the same doctors who worked with pregnant women in the hospital.

What is Super Spreaders


A historic example from the book of a situation where leaders put the interests of themselves before their people.

What is the Repeal of the Glass Steagall Act


“Even though our messages and books arrive the same day, our careers and fulfillment do not.”

What is Gross Misunderstanding 


Society replaced tradition and faith with science and rationality.

What is the age of reason


Real world example of a business leader that was focused on increasing his own profits at any expense.

What is Rick Singer


“Gen Yers have grown up in a world in which huge scale is normal, money is value over service and technology is used to manage relationships.”

What is short circuit to internal rewards 


Society places heavy emphasis on numbers + systems.

What is New Age of Enlightenment


When we watch the news today, we can recognize that the need to get good ratings is placed before the need to serve the public.

What is the evolution of evening news 


Dopamine producing effects of texts, emails, & other online activities.

What is Addiction to distraction 


Originally designed to keep us alive, but now rewards us for engaging in activities that harm us.

What is Dopamine Reward Systems 


An act that prevented excessive risk taking so that in the future banks would not have to shutdown.

What is the Glass Steagall Act


More and bigger 

What is Boomers