This policy expanded Medicaid eligibility
Affordable Care Act
What is the first step of the policy process
policy literacy
What is an official record the details or summarizes OT services
What are actions taken by health care professionals to promote social, economic, educations, and political changes that ease the suffering or address threats to individual or public health
Health advocacy
What policy limited the access to therapy once the cap was reached
Medicare part b therapy cap
What step includes advocating for change in current policies
policy influence
What it is called when OTs are paid by third party payers for their service
Is a referral for OT required in the state of Michigan?
What is an example of a service that is provided under IDEA
IEPs, OT, specialized education, early intervention, behavior intervention
This step is the ability to analyze policy
policy acumen
What is the term used to describe the increments of time insurance bills by
What is the amount of money a person must pay before insurance covers services
a deductible
What is the difference between Medicare and Medicaid?
medicare: 65+ or qualifying disability
medicaid: limited income and resources
During this step, and OT manager may respond to a change in policy
policy competence
What code identifies the diagnosis
What outlines priorities and expected roles of different groups, builds consensus, and informs people
Health policy
What did the MHPAEA do?
Makes it so insurance companies cannot have large differences between mental health care and medical health care
What is one way you can improve policy literacy?
ask questions regarding the policy or take continuing ed about the policy
What codes are used for submitting claims and identify the type of service provided
CPT: current procedural terminology
What is an example of a skilled OT service
evaluations, interventions