Money Money Money
Facts about Metropolis
The outsiders
All the young folks
How much money in sponsorship has our outreach team raised?
What is over $28,000. The rest of the expenses are covered by a team registration fee
What is the name of the fictional community group that student participants work for in the simulation?
What is Metropolis Empowered?
About how many total volunteers are signed up for the LCE?
What is approximately 150?
Who will attend the Ice Cream Social on Thursday?
What is student participants and WULI Students. All WULI students are invited to attend Thursday night at Capitol Plaza.
What is the theme of the Thursday night banquet?
What is the state of the city?
Who are the the title sponsors for the Leadership Challenge Event?
What is Capitol Federal and Westar Energy
What is a role player? Describe a role play interaction.
What are volunteers who interact in a fictional role with team members to convey information or cause confusion. A role play interaction is five minutes long. The volunteer interacts with one student in their role and acts as a member of the metropolis community. The student is simultaneously judged based on their leadership.
What should people wear for the Friday simulation?
What is their LCE polos and khakis? (Excepting Role Players and Final Presentation Judges)
How many schools are attending the LCE?
What is 30 teams (24 high school, 6 colleges) from four states.
Who is our keynote speaker for LCE banquet? What does he do?
Who is Greg Tehven (teh-veen)? He is an innovator and entrepreneur from Fargo, North Dakota. He has started several community programs, including the groups Students Today, Leaders Forever.
What are the awards for this year?
What is 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. Collaboration, Communication, Innovation. Participant medallions.
Name the five participant roles in the simulation
Director of Operations Director of Economic Strategy Director of Outreach Director of Programming Director of Communications
Where is LCE held? Be as specific as possible.
Campus: Memorial Union (upper level), Washburn A& B, Henderson 100 Off Campus: Capitol Plaza Hotel, Maner Conference Center, Heritage Hall
What is a role player guide?
What is a student administrative volunteer in charge of assisting a specific role player to each of their team rooms at the appropriate time.
Which WU VIP is serving as a Final Presentation Judge?
Who is Randy Pembrook?
How much money does it cost to put on the Leadership Challenge Event?
Total operating expense of the event is around $40,000.
How many pieces of paper make up the simulation day of LCE?
What is over 8,000 pieces of paper. (Just 20 small trees)
What are the dates and times of the LCE volunteer trainings? There are four.
What is March 23 (6-8), March 26 (6-8), March 27 (3-5), and March 28 (9:30-11:30)
Name two of the four orientation sessions on Thursday and who is presenting them
Darria Dennison & Leanna Willer - Contextual Leadership Mikki Burcher- Creative Innovation Workshop Mary Pilgram- Listening Dr. Bruce Jackson- Self-Leadership
What is the theme of the Thursday banquet?
What is "The State of the City"?
Who are the students responsible for this year's community outreach? (There are seven)
Who is: Becca Maasen, Lauren Overkamp, Kevin Lewis, Jake Humphrey, Zach Haney, Natalie Becker, and Meliza Tanner?
Describe this year's final presentations.
Innovator's expo Students have "booth" area to pitch their program All volunteers invited and acting as Metropolis citizens Judges embedded within masses
What are the different volunteer opportunities for non-student volunteers?
What is Role Players, Judges (Type 1 and 2), Scorers, and final presentation judges
Who are coordinators for the LCE day of?
Leanna- team registration Kaitlyn- Role player guides Mary/Jack- technology Madison- Volunteer registration Sierra and Caroline Clark-Set up/Take Down Kassidy-Food Becca -Judges Dani -Pod Managers Jeff Mott-Scorers
What is Marissa's middle name?
What is Erin?