CM Unit 1
CM Unit 1
Unit 3 Chapter 1
Unit 3 Chapter 2

The main cause of tarnish on brass belt buckles and uniform buttons is ____________.

    A)  Oxidation

    B)  Respiration 

    C)  Perspiration

    D)  Recreation

C) Perspiration



Choose the word that best matches the definition below.

"To adapt to the proper size or shape."

    A)  fitted

    B)  sized

    C)  hemmed

    D)  align

A)  fitted



Which word best describes the definition below?

"the combining of separate parts to form a coherent whole, as for a concentrated study of it"

     A) synchronized

     B) specialized

     C) synthesis

     D) complementary

C) synthesis


Describe the Process of Self-Discovery



Feedback (giving and receiving)

Assessment Tools


What are the three parts of the brain?


Limbic System

Brain Stem


What are the responsibilities of a team leader?

    A)  A team leader is responsible for publicizing all the accomplishments of the team.

    B)  A team leader is responsible for monitoring team spirit and team attendance at school events.

    C)  A team leader is responsible for the formation, appearance, training, and discipline of their team members and must be ready to assume control of the squad in the absence of the squad leader.

    D)  All of the above

    C)  A team leader is responsible for the formation, appearance, training, and discipline of their team members and must be ready to assume control of the squad in the absence of the squad leader.



How is the garrison cap positioned on the head?

    A)  With the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the right but not touching the ear.

    B)  With the back vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the right touching the ear.

    C)  With the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the left but not touching the ear.

    D)  With the back vertical crease touching the nape of the neck tilted slightly towards the right ear.

A)  With the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead in a straight line with the nose and tilted slightly to the right but not touching the ear.



What word best describes the definition below?

"concerns the property of neural circuitry to potentially acquire (given appropriate training) nearly any function"

Neural Plasticity


What are the Winning Colors behavior clusters? List 5 power words for each.

Planner (ex: analyzing, dreaming, caring, thinking, inventing, being my best, exactness)

Builder (ex: power, results, money, duty, tradition, be prepared, do it my way)

Adventurer (ex: excitement, fun, doing, risk, action, freedom, fast machines)

Relater (ex: friendly, giving, I see everything, romantic, wanting people to like me, hugs are special when I choose)


What does PET stand for?

Positron Emission Tomography


Which of the following situations describes an incorrect way of displaying the United States Flag?

    A)  Flags on walls, windows, or buildings are displayed with the union to the observer's upper left

    B)  In parades or processions with other flags, the United States flag is always carried at the far right of a row, or to the front and center a column

    C)  In auditoriums, meeting halls, or chapels, the United States flag is displayed to the speaker's right as they face the audience

    D)  On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff until the end of the day when it is raised to the top of the staff, then solemnly lowered

D)  On Memorial Day, the flag is displayed at half-staff until the end of the day when it is raised to the top of the staff, then solemnly lowered



Study the table and select the option (A-D) that completes the Sequence of Command and Staff Actions in the correct order.

             Sequence of Command          

Step 1. Mission

Step 2. Information Available

Step 3. Planning Guidance

Step 4. Staff Estimates

Step 5.                      

Step 6. Preparation of Plans or Orders

Step 7.                     

Step 8. Publication of Plans or Orders

Step 9.                       

                    Staff Actions:                  

A. Commander's Estimate and Decision

B. Begin next sequence

C. Command and Staff Supervision

D. Approval

E. Issue Missions

    A)  Step 5. = A; Step 7. = D; Step 9. = C

    B)  Step 5. = B; Step 7. = A; Step 9. = E

    C)  Step 5. = D; Step 7. = E; Step 9. = C

    D)  Step 5. = E; Step 7. = B; Step 9. = A

 A)  Step 5. = A; Step 7. = D; Step 9. = C



Define "introspection"

examination of one's own thoughts or feelings


What are the examples of creative and critical thinking?

Creative (BIGVP): brainstorming, inventing, generalizing, visualizing, predicting

Critical (ACCEP): analyzing, comparing and contrasting, classifying, evaluating, prioritizing


What are the six aspects of a person's preferred learning environment?




Time of Day

Food Intake

Social Aspects


Our active Army is organized in accordance with the U. S. Constitution, the National Security Act of 1947 and it's Amendments of 1949, and the Army Organization Act of 1950.  

If a friend of yours wants to research the Office of the Secretary of Defense, which act would you tell him to research?

    A)  An amendment to the U. S. Constitution

    B)  The National Security Act of 1947

    C)  The Amendments to the National Security Act of 1949

    D)  The Army Organization Act of 1950.

C)  The Amendments to the National Security Act of 1949



At a ceremony on July 4th, the guest speaker was praising the service of a military unit.  The speaker said, "We thank these men and women, these soldiers, for their service to our nation.  They, and those that served before them, and those who will serve in the future are part of our country's oldest military organization.  They have served in times of national emergency, during natural disasters, during peacetime and war time.  We owe them our thanks."  What type of unit is the speaker describing?

    A)  An Active Army Unit

    B)  An Army Reserve Unit

    C)  A National Guard Unit

C)  A National Guard Unit



Define "deference"

the respect and esteem due to a superior or elder; also affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes


What does the Sales Orientation/Leadership scale of the Success Profiler measure?

perceived skill in positively impacting and influencing the actions of other people


List the four quadrants of Kolb’s Experiential Learning Model (state both names and include the two dimensions each are based on)

Theorists/Assimilators: abstract conceptualization and reflective observation

Pragmatists/Convergers: abstract conceptualization and active experimentation

Activists/Accomodators: concrete experience and active experimentation

Reflectors/Divergers: reflective observation and concrete experience


What is the definition of "Forward from the Sea"?

    A)  The three-dimensional battle area above, upon, and below the surface of the ocean. 

    B)  Commands warfare functions within the battlespace.

    C)  U.S. Naval strategy to project power in the littoral regions of the world. 

    D)  Forward deployed forces of the United States Navy.

C)  U.S. Naval strategy to project power in the littoral regions of the world.



517.  (U1C2L6:Q3)  While you were waiting for a flight at the airport, you talked to a Marine about his job. He said that his unit trained extensively on deploying ground units out of enemy sight, then moving their amphibious assault ships to different locations so that the enemy doesn't know where an attack would come from. What type of operation is he describing?

    A)  Maritime Prepositioned Squadrons

    B)  Noncombatant Evacuation Operations

    C)  Operational Maneuver from the Sea

    D)  Vertical Envelopment

C)  Operational Maneuver from the Sea



Define "sensory gating"

also called a neuron spike point, regulates the transmission of stimuli to the brain

What is the purpose of Winning Colors?

Improve understanding of how to cooperate and communicate with others

Provide clues to motivation

Clarify learning styles

Offer insight to conflict resolution styles

Uncover essential aspects of communication


What are the three structures of limbic system and their functions?

Hypothalamus: regulates drives and actions

Amygdala: connected to aggressive behavior

Hippocampus: processes information to form long-term memories