The Professional Nurse/Time Management
Safety and Incident Reports

What is an example of an internal time waster

Tik tok, snapchat, Facebook, socializing with friends, the gram


How many provisions are there and who created them?

9, created by ANA


What are the 6 ethical principles nurses use

autonomy, beneficence, fidelity, justice, nonmaleficence, veracity 


what should you do with a patient who has been exposed to hazardous materials before treating them?

decontaminate them


What guides the nursing profession

ANA code of ethics 

NOT state board of nursing


What do the provisions do?

help guide nursing practice, tell us what we should or should not do


What are the two ethical theories and explain each.

Utilitarianism= greatest good for greatest amount of people. 

Deontological= based on obligations and duties


What is a sentinel event? Give 3 examples.

a patient safety event that results in death, permanent harm, or severe temporary harm. 

homicide of pt or staff, suicide of pt, kidnapping, death by med error, sexual abuse of anyone, surgery performed on wrong site, retained foreign object, any intrapartum maternal death, severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia 


Identify the following types of leaders. Democratic, transactional, and emotional

democratic= group decision making

transactional= deals with immediate problems

emotional= connects emotionally with others 


What is provision 5?

self-care :))


What are some signs of an impaired coworker

late for work, blood shot eyes, disappear during the shift, call in a lot, takes frequent breaks 

Mimaw falls out of bed. You find her on the floor, get her up. She has a few minor bruises, but is not seriously injured. You fill out an incident report and make a note of it in Mimaw's medical record. Were these events correct?

No, do not put incident report in medical record and do not make a note that you created incident report in the medical record


What makes nursing a profession? List 4 things

group with specialized knowledge, intertwining of profession and person, licensing regulations, knowledge work always changes, practice changes over time, formal memberships (NSA, ANA, AANP)


Which provision says nurses have authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice and actions delegated?

provision 4


what defines an ethical dilemma?

cannot be solved by scientific facts, involves conflict between two moral perspectives, answer will have a profound effect on situation/patient

What is IU mistaken for and how should you write it?

IV or 10. Write out unit


List 4 qualities of an effective leader.

real and display genuine self expression; available to others, to learning, to change; confront and engage challenges; show vulnerability; visibly display struggles and challenges


Which provision allows patients to leave against medical advice without the nurse intervening?

Provision 1

A pt is being scheduled to be put on a ventilator for the fourth time. Two weeks prior you talked to the pt and told them that you would honor their wishes and not let them be intubated more than three times. You speak with the family and tell them the patient will not be intubated again. Which ethical principles did you honor?

autonomy, fidelity, veracity


Name 5 people you would want on an all-hazards preparedness task force

ER physician, surgeon, radiology, ER charge nurse, ICU nurse, hospital admin, fire, police, EMS, security, social work, materials management