Theory 4
Situations 4
Theory 5
Situations 5

Which term is used to describe an individual who typically adheres to established norms, exhibits little independent thought, and prioritizes group cohesion over personal opinion?

a) Effective Follower
b) Conformist Follower
c) Alienated Follower
d) Lazy Worker

b) Conformist Follower


An employee of the Happy, Satisfied & Healthy Flowershop in a discovers that their supervisor is engaging in falsifying financial reports in order to pocket flower order money to pay for their church Fiesta. Despite knowing the actions are wrong, the employee chooses to support and cover up the supervisor’s misconduct out of extreme ___________

a) loyalty
b) followership
c) conforming
d) alienation

a) loyalty


At Mermaid Cafe, the manager notices that a team member who once actively contributed ideas and provided constructive feedback has become withdrawn and increasingly critical without offering solutions. This behavior is most indicative of which type of followership?

a) Conformist follower
b) Alienated follower
c) Effective follower
d) Passive follower

b) Alienated follower


Which concept best describes the ability of an effective leader to adapt their approach and decision-making style dynamically in response to changing circumstances, varying team needs, and different situational demands?

a) You do you sis Leadership
b) Fluidity
c) Inflexible Leader
d) Flexible Leader

b) Fluidity


At the Happy, Satisfied, and Healthy Flowershop, a group of seasoned employees excels at their tasks and has developed strong problem-solving skills, but they sometimes lack motivation and need encouragement to stay engaged. According to the Hersey-Blanchard leadership theory, what leadership style should the owner employ to reinvigorate the team while leveraging their high competence?

a) Directive
b) Consultative
c) Facilitative
d) Delegative

c) Facilitative


What term describes the act of an employee reporting illegal, unethical, or harmful practices within their organization to external authorities or the public, despite potential personal or professional risks?

a) Professional Disagreement
b) Whistleblowing
c) Extreme Alienation
d) Extreme Dis-Followership

b) Whistleblowing


In your Project Management class project meeting, one member consistently agrees with the leader’s decisions, even when those decisions are questionable or go against the team’s best interests. This individual rarely offers their own opinions or challenges the status quo. Which term best describes this behavior?

a) Alienated follower
b) Effective follower
c) Pragmatic follower
d) Conformist follower

d) Conformist Follower


At Mighty Green Cafe, the owner is trying to cultivate a culture of innovation by involving all employees in the decision-making process for a new seasonal menu. One employee consistently voices concerns and challenges the ideas of others, but does so constructively, offering alternative solutions and remaining engaged throughout the process. This employee’s behavior is likely to have which effect on team performance?

a) Fostering creativity through dissent (Effective Followership)

b) Confirmity will raise due to one dissenter (Conformist Followership)

c) Undermining team cohesion due to dissent (Alienated Followership)

 a) Fostering creativity through dissent (Effective Followership)


Which leadership theory believes that a leader’s primary function is to clear obstacles, provide guidance, and align their leadership style with the needs of their team in order to enhance performance and help the team achieve specific goals?

a) Transformational Leadership Theory
b) Hersey/Blanchard Theory
c) Path-Goal Leadership Theory
d) Vroom/Jago Theory

c) Path-Goal Leadership Theory


The manager of an agri-tourism company observes that their team, while highly skilled in agricultural practices, is becoming demotivated due to the repetitive nature of daily tasks and a lack of new challenges.
According to Path-Goal Theory, which leadership behavior should the manager adopt to address this situational demand and reinvigorate the team’s enthusiasm?

a) Directive behavior to provide clear instructions and expectations

b) Supportive behavior to create a more comfortable and friendly work environment

c) Achievement-oriented behavior to set challenging goals and encourage innovation in agri-tourism activities

d) Participative behavior to involve the team in decision-making and increase their ownership of tasks

c) Achievement-oriented behavior to set challenging goals and encourage innovation in agri-tourism activities


Which practice involves proactively influencing and effectively communicating with one’s superior to align expectations, gain support, and enhance mutual success in achieving organizational goals?

a) Followership
b) Managing Up
c) Managing Sideways
d) Alienation

b) Managing up


Your team lead consistently communicates a clear vision and supports team members by providing guidance and resources. The lead also encourages open dialogue and values input from the team. As a result, team members are motivated, take initiative, and contribute positively to the change process.
Which concept best explains the relationship between the leader’s actions and the team’s behavior?

a) Transformational leadership
b) Micromanagement leading to compliance
c) Effective leadership fostering effective followership
d) Command-and-control leadership

c) Effective leadership fostering effective followership


At Donki Depot, the company is struggling with declining employee engagement, particularly among newer hires who feel unsupported. The leader decides to adopt a strategy that involves clarifying each employee’s role, setting clear goals, and offering tailored support to address their specific needs. This approach ensures that both the employees’ performance and morale improve. Which leadership theory does this strategy most closely align with, and why is it particularly effective in this context?

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory
b) Vroom-Jago Theory
c) Path-Goal Theory
d) Transformational Leadership

c) Path-Goal Theory


Which leadership theory emphasizes that effective leadership depends on the maturity level of the followers, requiring leaders to adapt their style—ranging from directive to supportive—based on the readiness and competence of their team members?

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory
b) Path-Goal Theory
c) Vroom/Jago Theory
d) Contingency Theory

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory


You are the head of a project and faced with a critical decision that must be made within a tight deadline. The decision will significantly impact the project’s success, but there’s limited time for team consultation. You must choose whether to make the decision independently or involve the team.
According to the Vroom-Jago approach, what should you primarily consider when deciding on your approach?

a) The complexity of the decision and potential outcomes
b) The leader’s personal preference for decision-making
c) The urgency of the decision and the need for team buy-in
d) The team’s level of expertise and historical performance

c) The urgency of the decision and the need for team buy-in


What term describes the process by which information about past performance or behavior is communicated to an individual or group, aiming to guide future actions and improve outcomes?

a) Mentorship
b) Evaluation
c) Delegation
d) Feedback

d) Feedback


In your Capstone group, one member consistently challenges decisions and expresses dissatisfaction with your group leader. While they have valuable insights, they rarely contribute positively to discussions, creating tension within the group -- especially with your Snake Pit presentation coming up. Which term best describes this individual’s behavior?

a) Conformist follower
b) Effective follower
c) Alienated follower
d) Pragmatic follower

c) Alienated follower


At Tiara, a local clothing brand, the management team is preparing for their first major product launch that requires cross-departmental collaboration. The team includes both experienced and less experienced members, and the deadlines are super tight and stakes are super high. Which leadership approach should the manager use to ensure that both the decision-making process is efficient and the team members feel involved, particularly considering the varying experience levels?

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory
b) Vroom-Jago Theory
c) Path-Goal Theory
d) Transformational Leadership

b) Vroom-Jago Theory


Which leadership theory proposes a model where the leader’s decision-making style varies depending on factors like decision importance, the need for speed, and the degree to which follower input is necessary, ultimately guiding whether the leader should make decisions alone or involve the team?

a) Path-Goal Theory
b) Vroom-Jago Theory
c) Situational Leadership Theory
d) Leader-Member Exchange Theory

b) Vroom-Jago Theory


In a group project for your Leadership class, the group leader insists on following a detailed project plan they created at the start, with strict deadlines and clearly defined roles for each member.
While this approach worked well initially, as the project progresses, some team members have suggested new ideas and strategies that could improve the project’s outcome. However, the leader refuses to deviate from the original plan, causing frustration among creative members who feel their input is being ignored. The project’s success is now at risk due to decreasing team morale.
What leadership approach should the team leader consider to ensure a successful outcome?

a) Inflexible approach
b) Flexible approach
c) Authoritative approach
d) Passive approach

b) Flexible approach


In a team setting, which term best describes an individual who actively engages with leaders, critically evaluates decisions, offers constructive feedback, and takes initiative, while still supporting the team’s goals, unlike someone who passively complies or disengages from the group?

a) Alienated follower
b) Conformist follower
c) Effective follower
d) Passive observer

c) Effective Follower


Your an employee in the Happy, Satisfied, and Healthy Flowershop tasked with leading a cross-functional project that requires collaboration from different departments with no direct authority over your co-workers. To ensure success, you must influence and coordinate efforts across departments without stepping on toes or causing friction. What leadership approach is best in this situation?

a) Managing Up
b) Horizontal Verticle Leadership
c) Effective Followership
d) Managing Sideways

d) Managing sideways


At the Happy, Satisfied, and Healthy Flowershop, the team is preparing for a busy holiday season. The team includes both experienced florists and new hires who are still learning the ropes. The leader needs to ensure that everyone is clear on their tasks, motivated, and able to handle the increased workload. Which leadership approach is most appropriate for this situation?

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory to adjust leadership style based on the experience levels of the team members, providing more direction to the new hires and more autonomy to the experienced florists.

b) Path-Goal Theory to remove any obstacles, clarify tasks, and offer the necessary support and motivation tailored to the team’s specific needs during the busy season.

c) Vroom-Jago Theory to determine how much to involve the team in decision-making, balancing the need for quick decisions with the benefits of team input in training and going through the busy season.

b) Path-Goal Theory to remove any obstacles, clarify tasks, and offer the necessary support and motivation tailored to the team’s specific needs during the busy season.


Which factor plays a crucial role in determining how followers judge the effectiveness and legitimacy of a leader, ultimately influencing their trust, commitment, and engagement with the leader’s vision and directives?

a) Leadership style
b) Follower perceptions
c) Leader-follower dynamics
d) Organizational culture

b) Follower perceptions


At WackDonalds, a fast food company, the team is preparing for the launch of a new menu item that is expected to draw a large crowd. The staff consists of both long-time employees who are well-versed in their roles and newer hires who need more training and oversight. Your the manager and must decide how to best lead the team to ensure that the launch goes smoothly and customer satisfaction remains high. Which leadership approach is most appropriate for this situation?

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory
b) Vroom-Jago Theory
c) Transactional Leadership
d) Path-Goal Theory

a) Hersey-Blanchard Theory