Leaders v Managers
Leadership styles
I am a Registered Nurse
Conflict & Bullying
Patient Safety

Leaders or Managers, which role always holds a recognised senior position?



This type of leader exercises consistent control and absolute power

Autocratic/Authoritarian Leaders

Their decision is final and their authority cannot be challenged. An autocratic leader prefers overpowering rather than empowering subordinates.


Continuing Professional Development requirements of a Registered Nurse are ......

What is mandatory


If your supervising RN asks you to stay behind after your shift to complete your patients progress notes, is this bullying?

No it would be required for you to complete all legal documentation prior to finishing your shift. 


Which system should you be familiar with as a new graduate nurse to help you identify deteriorating patients?

Between the Flags/DETECT


Effective communication skills, knowledge of complex clinical environments and the ability to influence others, are all skills required to be an effective.........



This style of leadership can be problematic if employees are inexperienced or unmotivated as little guidance is provided by the leader and followers are encouraged to solve problems and take responsibility for their decisions and work practices.

Laissez-Faire/Delegative Leadership

The laissez-faire leader gives a great amount of freedom to their followers


The feelings which result from being unable to take the morally correct action with a situation where an individual may suffer is known as ...

What is moral distress


Defending your ethical beliefs describes....

Moral courage


Which national body is responsible for the regulation of nurses and midwives in Australia?

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)


Delivering, monitoring and evaluating of evidence based practice is traditionally performed by the 'executive' or the 'clinical' nurse leader?

 Clinical nurse leader


Which type of leader is most likely to say "You complete the task, you get an incentive. If you don't, you will see"?

Transactional Leadership

These leaders have a strong task orientation. They define and organise the roles of followers, are concerned with production, goals and outcomes and follow well-defined lines of communication.


Delegation relationship exists when one nurse delegates aspects of patient care to a

what is a less experienced nurse (or AIN/EN) who is competent to perform the task


You overhear an RN discussing in the staff room how long you take to complete the medication rounds and how you always want to double check all your calculations - how would you describe this behaviour?


This behaviour may make you feel like you need to speed up and rush your medications and make you afraid to check medications when unsure.


As a new graduate you are asked to give an IVAB via a CVAD, you have seen this in the lab at University before. Should you give the medication?

No you MUST always work within your Scope of Practice. This is an extended role and would require you to complete an accreditation prior to accessing a CVAD.


Is it the clinical nurse leader or the executive nurse leader traditionally collaborates with external Educational institutions

Executive Nurse Leader


Which type of leadership style encourages followers to contribute to the decision-making processes. Followers ideas are welcome but this leader makes the final decision.

Participative/Democratic Leadership


Which of the following were identified by AACN as essential factors for a healthy working environment:
1. effective decision making
2. appropriate staffing
3. performance related pay
4. mandatory training
5. meaningful recognition

1. effective decision making
2. appropriate staffing
5. meaningful recognition


Identifying a source of a problem and understanding the points of friction is a good way to manage...



Which type of nursing model promotes teamwork and a supportive learning environment

Collaborative Nursing Model (CNM)


Would the executive nurse or the clinical nurse leader build inter-professional collaboration 

Both leaders as:

Executive nurse - across organisational groups

Clinical nurse - within the clinical unit multi-disciplinary teams 


These leaders have a strong task orientation. They define and organise the roles of followers, are concerned with production, goals and outcomes and follow well-defined lines of communication

Transactional Leadership


Which type of reflective practice would best facilitate improving unit culture, reduce staff burnout and promote professional development of others.

Supported debriefing/discussion sessions


A nurse who alerts the public to dishonest activities within their clinical area is known as a ...



Research has shown effective Leadership has directly impacted on patient safety by:

1. increasing the reporting of medication errors
2. reducing the incidence of medication errors
3. improving the use of antibiotic therapy
4. reducing the incidence of HAIs

1. increasing the reporting of medication errors
2. reducing the incidence of medication errors
4. reducing the incidence of HAIs