The carrier of formal authority
What is a Manager?
Leadership is based on inheritance
What is the Great Man Theory?
deeply devoted to the leaders or ready to remove them from power; ready to sacrifice themselves for a person or idea
What is a diehard?
Abilities, skills, personality traits and competencies enabling the recognition of an individual’s, and others feelings and emotions.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Older age and experience (but no length of time in a position), Previous leadership experience, Relational competencies and style
How do you build Nursing Leadership skills?
The co-ordination of details to formulate a plan
What is a task of Management?
The division of leaders between task oriented and people oriented
How did behavioural theories redefine the idea of leadership?
Feel strongly about leaders and act accordingly; eager/ energized/ engaged and invested; working hard to either support or undermine the leader
There is no clear definition
Why has Emotional Intelligence been the subject of a lot of debate?
Positive relationship exists between staff empowerment and positive staff outcomes, such as job satisfaction, accountability, decreased job tension, organizational commitment, and trust
What is the effect of Transformational Leadership on Nursing staff?
Influencing the thinking and action of others in respect to obtaining a goal
What is Leadership?
Passive, not visible, uninvolved.
what is Lassiez Faire leadership?
decide not to participate and disengage from the leader and group; a declaration of neutrality
Human relations are central to management, the focus is people.
How does Emotional Intelligence influence Leadership?
Transformational Leadership
What style of leadership yields the best results within a Nursing context?
The agent of change
What is Bass's Definition of Leadership?
Creating the context for innovation to occur
What is innovation Leadership?
Leadership and followership is now conceptualized as a partnership
How do leadership and follwership relate?
mentoring and coaching through self-reflection, and emotionally intense experiences are necessary aspects of nursing education
How is Emotional competence built?
Demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships promoting two-way communication, reinforcement, and decision-making
What is Ethical Leadership?
The director of activities within an organization
Leader creates a vision and influences followers to achieve goals flowing from that vision
What is transformational Leadership?
support the ideas and views of another, they think critically and give feedback in order to accomplish group goals
What is a follower?
Research shows that they have a positive influence on workplace environment and employee stress
What effect does an emotionally intelligent leader have?
Leadership patterns are related to hospital culture and structure rather than hierarchical level
How does Nursing leadership differ from place to place?