The only fruit with its seeds on the outside.

What are strawberries?


This iconic television show, which premiered in 1994, features six friends living in New York City and has become one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time.

What is "Friends"?


This river, the longest in the world, flows north through northeastern Africa and is crucial to the agriculture of several countries, including Egypt and Sudan.

What is the Nile River?


This flowering plant is known for its large, colorful blooms and is a popular choice for gardens. It can be found in shades of red, pink, orange, and white and is often associated with love and romance.

What is a rose?


This popular office software suite includes programs like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

What is Microsoft Office?


The 2022 Point-in-Time Count reported over 65,000 homeless individuals in this U.S. city, which is known for its high cost of living and tech industry.

What is San Francisco?


This plant, often used in cooking for its aromatic leaves, is known for its medicinal properties and is a key ingredient in dishes such as pesto. It is part of the mint family and is also known for its essential oil.

What is basil?


This epic science fiction film, released in 1999 and directed by the Wachowskis, explores the concept of a simulated reality and stars a computer hacker who discovers a dystopian truth.

What is The Matrix?


This desert, the largest hot desert in the world, spans much of North Africa and is known for its vast sand dunes and extreme temperatures.

What is the Sahara Desert?


This carnivorous plant uses modified leaves to trap and digest insects. Its name is derived from a Roman goddess of love and beauty.

What is the Venus flytrap?


This U.S. government status, often granted to nonprofits, allows them to be exempt from federal income tax and allows donors to make tax-deductible contributions.

What is 501(c)(3) status?


This California initiative, passed in 2020, aimed to increase funding for homeless services and affordable housing through a dedicated sales tax increase.

What is Proposition 64?


The only edible food that never goes bad.

What is honey?


This 1981 hit song by Journey, featuring a soaring chorus and powerful vocals, is often considered an anthem of the 1980s and has been featured in numerous movies and TV shows.

What is "Don't Stop Believin'"?


This large body of water, bordered by Europe to the north and Africa to the south, is connected to the Atlantic Ocean and is the largest inland sea in the world by surface area.

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


This ocean animal has ten arms.

What is a squid?


This productivity concept emphasizes managing tasks by breaking them into smaller, manageable steps and setting deadlines. (Hint, we use this concept at Insight Housing and is an acronym)

What is the "SMART" goals method?


The state with the highest number of people experiencing homelessness (180,000+).

What is California?


This popular Italian beverage is made from freshly brewed espresso mixed with steamed milk and topped with a layer of frothy milk foam, commonly enjoyed as a morning pick-me-up.

What is a cappuccino?


This 1987 film about a group of high school students in Saturday detention was directed by John Hughes.

What is "The Breakfast Club"?


This mountain range, often considered the natural boundary between Europe and Asia, stretches from the Mediterranean to the Arctic Ocean and includes peaks such as Mount Elbrus.

What are the Ural Mountains?


This marine creature, known for its ability to regenerate limbs, can also regrow its spinal cord and heart. It is often referred to as the "Mexican walking fish," although it is not a fish at all.

What is an axolotl?


This common issue faced by nonprofits involves managing their budgets to ensure that expenses do not exceed their income.

What is financial sustainability?


A significant factor leading to homelessness, particularly for veterans, is this type of condition, often resulting from military service.

What is PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)?


This country invented ice cream.



This British rock band became one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Their music is often characterized by its philosophical lyrics and innovative use of synthesizers.

Who are Pink Floyd?


This historical monument was completed in 1889 as the entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair and is now one of the most recognizable structures in the world.

What is the Eiffel Tower?


This mammal has no vocal chords.

What is a giraffe?


This challenge pertains to nonprofits needing to adapt their strategies and operations to changing regulations, market conditions, and stakeholder expectations.

What is organizational adaptability?


In 2023, the estimated number of people experiencing homeless people in the United States is approximately this many, based on the latest national reports.

What is 650,000?


This Korean dish features thinly sliced beef marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, and sugar, then grilled or stir-fried and often served with rice and vegetables.

What is bulgogi?


This influential film director, known for his work on Psycho, is often referred to as the "Master of Suspense" and is famous for his meticulous attention to detail and innovative techniques in the thriller genre.

Who is Alfred Hitchcock?


This landform, located in the Arctic Ocean, is the largest island in the world that is not a continent and is part of Denmark, known for its vast ice sheets and Inuit culture.

What is Greenland?


This plant, native to Madagascar, is famous for its ability to store large quantities of water in its swollen trunk. It's often called the "upside-down tree" due to its distinctive appearance.

What is the baobab tree?


This concept refers to the long-term changes or benefits that a nonprofit’s programs or interventions create for its target populations.

What is social impact?


This type of housing crisis, which involves a lack of affordable housing units compared to the number of people needing them, is a major contributor to homelessness.

What is the housing affordability crisis?