Leadership Theory
Leadership Skills
Leadership History
Leadership History 2x

True or False?

There Is a difference between Managers and Leaders. 



What skill is essential for a leader to be able to express his thoughts and ideas clearly?

Communication Skils


Who was the first President of the United States?

George Washington


Who was the South African leader who got imprisoned for 27 years before becoming the first Black president of South Africa and is celebrated for his efforts in ending apartheid?

Nelson Mandela 


What is Leadership?

-Leaders can have a positive influence on the lives and behaviours of others

-Leaders are not necessarily people who do great things but rather people who inspire others to do great things

-Leaders help groups set goals, envision the possibilities and make commitments 


What is the highest level on John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success?

Competitive Greatness


Which civil rights leader delivered the “I Have a Dream” speech?

Martin Luther King Jr.


Who was the Indian leader that was the primary figure in the Indian independence movement against British rule and is known for his nonviolent resistance?

Mahatma Ghandi


Who are the 2 contrasting coaches that represented successful leadership (discussed about in class)?

Vince Lombardi and John Wooden


True or false?

Emotional Intelligence is “The ability for a leader to control others emotions while being able to control their own at the same time”.


Emotional Intelligence Is “The ability to UNDERSTAND and MANAGE one’s emotions and the emotions of others”.


Who was the CEO of Apple Inc. known for his visionary leadership and innovation?

Steve Jobs


Who was the 16th President of the United States who led the nation during the Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation?

Abraham Lincoln


Vince Lombardi is an example of what type of leader?

A task-oriented leader 


Who was the British Prime Minister known for his leadership during World War II?

Winston Churchill


Who was the French military leader that rose to prominence during the French Revolution and later became Emperor of France?

Napolean Bonaparte 


Who developed the “Five Levels of Leadership” Model?

John C. Maxwell


Which famous conquerer and founder of the Mongol Empire was known for his military strategies and the creation of one of the largest empires in history?

Genghis Khan 


Who was the Roman general and statesman who became dictator for life but was assassinated on the Ides of March in 44 BCE.

Julius Caesar