Identifying Leadership Style Scenarios

identifying A Leader
General Knowledge of Leadership Style


This leadership style is best for new interns trying to learn the ropes of a new job.

What is Coaching leadership?


This leadership style is used by Winston Churchill.

What is the visionary leadership style?


This leadership style is most effective among younger employees, typically under the age of 35.

What is the coaching leadership style?


This leadership style would be best if the company is struggling?

What is Commanding leadership?


This leadership style is used by Ryan Day.

What is the coaching leadership style?


The leadership style where leaders invite team members to share their ideas and help make decisions, creating a feeling of involvement and commitment.

What is the democratic leadership style?


This style of leadership is best when used after cutting employees

What is Affiliative leadership?


This leadership style is used by Adolf Hitler.

What is the commanding leadership style?


“Stop running in the road” / ”you will do this or you will leave” type of leadership.

What is the commanding leadership style?


This leadership style is often used when the company has a deadline coming up, or multiple different ideas to work on.

What is Pace-Setting leadership?


This leadership style is used by Derek Jeter.

What is the pacesetting leadership style?


This leadership style is great for short term goals that will be over soon.

What is the pacesetting leadership style?


This style of leadership is used to find the best idea between employees, meaning they all have a say in new ideas.

What is Democratic leadership?


This leadership style is used by MLK Jr.

What is the visionary leadership style?


This leadership style is where the group is focused on building emotional bonds and fostering a sense of belonging in a group.

What is the affiliative leadership style?