Latoya on the unit asks the charge nurse to complete the wound care and dressing change on an assigned client because she finds wound care distasteful. The nurse manager would counsel the nurse about which of the following subjects? 1) Reverse delegation 2) Overdelegation 3) Undedelegation 4) Incomplete delegation
1) Reverse delegation
As a member of the hospital quality improvement team, Macy has been asked to evaluate the quality of nursing care on the unit. She has decided to ask the nursing staff for assistance in this endeavor. Which of the following would be appropriate to ask the nursing staff to do? 1) Track the number of supplies used by clients on the unit 2) Document the time spend on direct client care 3) Administer a client and family satisfaction survey 4) Assess clients and report acuity daily
3) Administer a client and family satisfaction survey
A client on the medical surgical unit begins to code. The assigned RN, Ron, and the charge nurse, Dr. Murray are at lunch. The newly hired nurse manager, Erin, begins to direct the resuscitation efforts until the code team arrives, using which of the following as the basis of power in this situation? 1) The staff’s acceptance of direction 2) The manager’s intelligence 3) The manager’s formal position or rank 4) The manager’s expertise and experience
3) The manager’s formal position or rank
Nicole, RN who has been in practice for 6 months is due for the first performance evaluation. In preparing for the evaluation, she should look to which standard to evaluate personal performance during the first 6 months of employment? 1) ANA standards of care 2) The state nurse practice act 3) The written job description 4) The organizations standard of clinical care
3) The written job description
Kathleen knows that one of her staff is experiencing burnout. Which of the following is the best thing for her to do? 1. Advise her staff to go on vacation. 2. Ignore her observations; it will be resolved even without intervention 3. Remind her to show loyalty to the institution. 4. Let the staff ventilate her feelings and ask how she can be of help.
4. Let the staff ventilate her feelings and ask how she can be of help.
LaBrittany on the clinical excellence committee must prepare an in-service on delegation for nursing staff. In preparing the presentation, the nurse includes which explanation of how delegation impacts the safety and quality of client care? 1) It prevents nursing staff from becoming nonproductive and ineffective 2) It gets the assigned nursing tasks done in the most efficient way, utilizing appropriate resources 3) It gives nursing tasks to staff who can best understand the goal to be met 4) It is a way to make the nursing staff feel as though they are part of the team
2) It gets the assigned nursing tasks done in the most efficient way, utilizing appropriate resources
Authority occurs when a person has been given the right to delegate, based on the state nurse practice act, and also has official power to delegate from the health care organization. Which characteristic of a nurse manager could undermine this authority in the workplace? 1) Being confident in directing the work of others to accomplish their assignments 2) Being unsure of the scope and amount of authority given 3) Changing management style based on the situation and the needs of the staff 4) Easily accepting responsibility and accountability for actions.
2) Being unsure of the scope and amount of authority given
Lynei, the charge nurse on the night shift reports that the narcotic count is incorrect. She has already spoken to the staff nurse believed responsible for the incorrect count and has reason to believe that substance abuse by the nurse is the cause. If substance abuse by the staff nurse proves to be the cause of the incorrect count, what is the most appropriate next step? 1) Recount the narcotics with the staff nurse and take disciplinary action 2) Ask the staff nurse to leave the unit immediately and report the incident to the ANA 3) Complete an incident report, report findings to the pharmacy, and notify nursing administration 4) Submit the findings to the council on nursing practice.
3) Complete an incident report, report findings to the pharmacy, and notify nursing administration
John, RN is about to make first rounds after receiving an inter-shift report at 1500. In what order should the he see the following clients? 1) A 54year old client 4 hrs post cardiac catheterization who has mild discomfort at the access site 2) A client newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus who needs reinforcement of sick day management guidelines 3) A client who arrived 30 min ago from the post anesthesia care unit 4) A client who is ready for discharge but will not have transportation to home available until 5pm 5) A client with pneumonia who has received two doses of IV antibiotics and has an oxygen saturation of 93%
ORDER: 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 3) A client who arrived 30 min ago from the post anesthesia care unit 5) A client with pneumonia who has received two doses of IV antibiotics and has an oxygen saturation of 93% 1) A 54year old client 4 hrs post cardiac catheterization who has mild discomfort at the access site 4) A client who is ready for discharge but will not have transportation to home available until 5pm 2) A client newly diagnosed with diabetes mellitus who needs reinforcement of sick day management guidelines
Eva knows that performance appraisal consists of all the following activities EXCEPT: 1. Setting specific standards and activities for individual performance. 2. Using agency standards as a guide. 3. Determine areas of strength and weaknesses 4. Focusing activity on the correction of identified behavior.
4. Focusing activity on the correction of identified behavior.
Which of the following tasks would not be appropriate for Sydney, RN to delegate to Bob, LPN? 1) Instruction the LPN to reinforce teaching of the RN’s assigned clients prior to discharge 2) Assigning LPN to complete vital signs and document and report information on any changes in client’s status to the RN 3) Asking the LPN to assess and evaluate the client response to IV pain medication 4) Instructing the LPN to remove a dressing from a postop client’s abdomen
2) Assigning LPN to complete vital signs and document and report information on any changes in client’s status to the RN
As a newly appointed charge nurse, Amy has decided to assess the skills and competencies of all new nursing personnel assigned to your unit. What can she do to help these new personnel learn their job duties and responsibilities? 1) Ask other nurses to keep an eye on the newly assigned staff 2) Assign a preceptor to any new member of the nursing staff 3) Ask current nursing staff to point out the new personnel’s weak areas after a staff meeting 4) Ask the new nursing personnel to learn job duties and functions without nursing staff interventions
2) Assign a preceptor to any new member of the nursing staff
Sarah is a young Unit Manager of the Pediatric Ward. Most of her staff nurses are senior to her, very articulate, confident and sometimes aggressive. Sarah feels uncomfortable, believing that she is the scapegoat of everything that goes wrong in her department. Which of the following is the best action that she must take? 1. Identify the source of the conflict and understand the points of friction 2. Disregard what she feels and continue to work independently 3. Seek help from the Director of Nursing 4. Quit her job and look for another employment.
4. Identify the source of the conflict and understand the points of friction
Which of the following statements is NOT true about performance appraisal? 1. Informing the staff about the specific impressions of their work help improve their performance. 2. A verbal appraisal is an acceptable substitute for a written report 3. Patients are the best source of information regarding personnel appraisal. 4. The outcome of performance appraisal rests primarily with the staff.
3. Patients are the best source of information regarding personnel appraisal.
Clara decides to have a decentralized staffing system. Which of the following is an advantage of this system of staffing? 1. Greater control of activities 2. Conserves time 3. Compatible with computerization 4. Promotes better interpersonal relationship
4. Promotes better interpersonal relationship
David, the nurse manager has the responsibility to transfer or delegate to competent staff the authority to perform a selected task in a selected situation. Which of the following statements would be important for the nurse manager to make when delegating a responsibility? 1) I am appointing you to be our unit’s representative on the newly formed bioterrorists task force 2) I do not have the time for or interest in the monthly ethics committee meeting, so you will represent me. 3) I am assigning you to do the performance evaluation on the unit’s ten LPNs. I am too busy working on the capital budget for next year to complete them myself. 4) I chose for you to attend the meeting on discharge planning today because it seems you have the lightest assignment.
1) I am appointing you to be our unit’s representative on the newly formed bioterrorists task force
Christine tells one of the staff, “I don’t have time to discuss the matter with you now. See me in my office later” when the staff member asks if they can talk about an issue. Which of the following conflict resolution strategies did she use? 1. Smoothing 2. Compromise 3. Avoidance 4. Restriction
3. Avoidance
As a young manager, Murat knows that conflict occurs in any organization. Which of the following statements regarding conflict is NOT true? 1. Can be destructive if the level is too high 2. Is not beneficial; hence it should be prevented at all times 3. May result in poor performance 4. May create leaders
2. Is not beneficial; hence it should be prevented at all times
Kara conducts a 6-month performance review session with a staff member. Which of the following actions is appropriate? 1. She asks another nurse to attend the session as a witness. 2. She informs the staff that she may ask another nurse to read the appraisal before the session is over. 3. She tells the staff that the session is manager-centered. 4. The session is private between the two members.
4. The session is private between the two members.
Hannah thinks about primary nursing as a system to deliver care. Which of the following activities does a primary nurse NOT preform? 1. Collaborates with the physician 2. Provides care to a group of patients together with a group of nurses 3. Provides care for 5-6 patients during their hospital stay. 4. Performs comprehensive initial assessment
2. Provides care to a group of patients together with a group of nurses
Janell is the registered nurse accountable for the delegation of nursing care activities for the shift. What must she consider in determining the appropriate use of an unlicensed LPN? 1) The amount of support the RN can provide 2) The complexity of the task 3) The amount of time the LPN will need to provide total client care 4) The capability of the LPN to perform client care assessment
2) The complexity of the task
BONUS: What is the new CPR protocol?
No rescue breaths! Only chest compressions!
John notes that there is an increasing unrest of the staff due to fatigue brought about by shortage of staff. Which action is a priority? 1. Evaluate the overall result of the unrest 2. Initiate a group interaction 3. Develop a plan and implement it 4. Identify external and internal forces.
2. Initiate a group interaction
Which of the following is evidence that the controlling process is effective? 1. The things that were planned are done 2. Physicians do not complain. 3. Employees are contended 4. There is an increase in customer satisfaction rate.
1. The things that were planned are done
Noel (birthing simulator) is a member of the Nursing Research Council of the hospital. Her first assignment is to determine the level of patient satisfaction based on the care they received from the hospital. She plans to include all adult patients admitted from April to May, with average length of stay of 3-4 days, first admission, and with no complications. Which of the following is an extraneous variable of the study? 1. Date of admission 2. Length of stay 3. Age of patients 4. Absence of complications
3. Age of patients