Mixed Bag
What get's measured get's managed
Time Mgmt & Prioritization
"Put me in, Coach!"
People Management
No More Drama
Goals & Performance Reviews
These are the 4 core values of evolv

Humility, Integrity, Purpose, Drive


The leaders who conducted our Time Management & Prioritization Leadership Training

Trisha Arnold & Rebekah Cole!

This technique of performance coaching can be used to help identify the fundamental reasons behind a problem. It goes beyond surface-level symptoms and explores the deeper factors contributing to the issue using a socratic method.

The Five Whys


The three primary roles that individuals can assume during interpersonal conflicts and dysfunctional interactions

Victim, Persecutor, and Rescuer


These are the characteristics of a SMART goal

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound


What color shirt was Kevin wearing yesterday?



These characteristics are hallmarks of reactive attention management (name 2)


Unscheduled work

Saying "yes" to almost everything being tasked to you



"In yesterday's client call, when you provided your responses to the client question you did not answer their question directly, instead providing an example that was unrelated to the topic. The client pinged me, they were confused on the response. I'm concerned we lost credibility with our proposal."

is an example of this feedback model

The Situation, Behavior, Impact (SBI) Model


What are the 3 roles in the empowerment dynamic? 

Creator, Challenger, Coach


These are the 4 competencies our performance reviews are based on

Client Success & Delivery

Operational Excellence

Personal Develpment/People Development

Evolv Grower


These are the clubs which evolv has approved for 2024 (Name 3)

  • Boardgames & Beverages – led by Patrick Riley
  • Hiking – led by Tyler Stern
  • Book Club – led by Heena Muhammed 
  • Workout – led by Kayley Howard
  • Gaming – led by Travis Sims
  • Cooking/Baking – led by Kayley Howard

This tool optimizes task management through strategic categorization into 4 different quadrants: Do First, Schedule, Delegate & Delete

The Covey Prioritization Matrix


The 7 Tips on engaging in effective 1:1's (name 3)

Ask open ended questions

Provide constructive feedback

Build relationships

Do not cancel repeatedly

Shared ownership

Listen actively

Be fully present


Member of the drama triangle that Blames, criticizes and dominates; feels self-righteous, threatened, defensive or angry

The Persecutor


These are the steps in the Performance Review process

Team member feedback

Manger feedback

Calibration (EN, CM, TF, TA meet to discuss review & merit increases)

Review (Review conducted, new comp plans sent & signed by employee)


These are the 4 outcomes that arise out of Employee-organization conflict

Work Unhappiness, Higher Stress, Higher Turnover, Decreased Productivity

Employee-organization conflict refers to a state of discord or tension that arises when there is an incompatibility or divergence between the goals, interests, values, or needs of individual employees and those of the organization or company they work for. It represents a perceived or actual clash between the expectations and demands placed on employees by their work environment and their personal well-being or desired work-life balance. 

The mere perception (real or imagined) that there is a misalignment between work and personal life can breed several bad outcomes, even if this is not the case. 


These are the 4 disciplines of execution mentioned in our Time Management & Prioritization Leadership Session

Focus, Leverage, Engagement & Accountability


These are 4 of the 7 necessary elements for successful performance coaching


Focus on Development

Regular Feedback

Collaborative Approach

Growth Mindset

Continuous Improvement



This is the "Bridge" from Drama to Empowerment discussed in our Drama Triangle Training

FISBE (Focus, Inner State, Behavior)


These are 3 of the 4 goals of the review process

Regonition & Appreciation

Feedback & Improvement

Goal Setting & Alignment

Robust Documentation


These are the 5 stages of the Trust Lifecycle

Formation, Building, Maintenance, Deterioration & Repair


The creator of the "Flow Theory"

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The theory suggests that flow can be achieved when the balance is struck between the individual's skill level and the level of challenge presented by the task. When the task is too easy, individuals may become bored and disengaged, while when the task is too difficult, individuals may become anxious and stressed (https://shorturl.at/lFLP5)


The steps to delivering feedback verbally

  1. Present the scenario and  listen to the Team Member

  2. Try to understand their perspective (even if you don’t agree)

  3. Avoid assumptions and ask open-ended questions 

  4. Empathize 

  5. Provide clear guidance with specific details 

  6. Positive reinforcement

  7. Follow-up

  8. Take notes


This member of the empowerment dynamic Evokes or provokes the will to create in others; feels clear, confident, centered and committed

The Challenger

The 5 personal goals which were mentioned in the "Goals - Performance Review Training" that are achieved when team member performance goals are set appropriately

Improved Performance

Increased Engagement

Better Work-Life Balance

Strengthened Relationships

Enhanced Skills