Multiple Frames 1
Five Types of Blindness
Multiple Frames 2

Which World War musesum did we visit yesterday?

What is World War 1? 


Which frame's metaphor is temple? 

What is Symbolic Frame?


Who fought in the army for several months?

Who is Ko Ko Lay?


Which type of blindness is this: 

We see our part of the system but not the whole; we see what is happening with us but not what is happening elsewhere. 

What is Spatial blindness?


The leader as warrior and peacemaker refers to which frame?

What is Political frame? 


According to Max Depree, the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality, and the last is to say "Thank you." In between, you are a __________.

What is Servant?


Which frame emphasizes a power base, advocacy, and distribution of resources?

What is Political Frame?


What is the name of the Dean of Faculty we got to visit with in class?

Who is Dr. Kathy Maxwell?


Which type of blindness is this? 

We see the present but not the past; we know what we are experiencing now but not what has led to these experiences. 

What is Temporal blindness?


Which leader does the following: 

They lead by example. 

They interpret experience. 

They develop and commuincate a hopeful vision,. 

They tell stories.

What is Symbolic leaders?


Which student's leadership case study involved a division over which group the church should supprot?

Who is Van Nun Thang?


In which frame does the leader do the following?

Create faith, hope, meaning and belief

What is Symbolic frame?


Who is the author of The Five Dysfunctions of A Team?

Who is Patrick Lencioni?


Which type of blindness is this?

When we suffer from this blindness, we see fixed positions battling fixed positions, but we don't see the _______ underlying these positions, the conditions for which there are no obviously correct answers. 

What is Uncertainty blindness?


Fill in the blank: The essence of __________ is examining the same situation from multiple vantage points. The effective leader changes lenses when things don't make  sense or aren't working. _________ offers the promise of powerful new options, even though it cannot guarantee that every new strategy will be successful. 

What is Reframing? 


Jonathan's armor-bearer said the following. Fill in the blanks. "Do all that is in your heart. Do as you wish. Behold, I am with you ____________.” 

What is heart and soul?


What is the metaphor for the political frame?

What is Jungle?


Who are the authors of How Great Leaders Think?

Who are Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal?


Which type of blindness is this?

We don't see our systems as wholes, as entities in their environment. In this blindness, our relationships with our peers deteriorate, productive partnerships fail to develop, and our contributions to the system suffer. 

What is Process blindness?


Which frame do these concepts refer to: rules, roles, goals, policies, technology, environment 

What is Structural frame?


What is the name of the anime in which the main character Isagi evolved as a soccer player through reframing?

What is Blue Lock? 


What is the image of leadership for Human Resource

What is Empowerment? 


Which president said the following?

"If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Who is Harry Truman?


What type of blindness is this? 

In this blindness, we tend to see ourselves as top, middle, and bottom. In this blindness we also experience much personal stress and pain, potential partnerships fail tod evelopp, and system contributions are lost.

What is Relationship Blindness?


Which frame do these essential strategies refer to: 

Communicating, realigning, and renogotiating formal patterns and policies 

What is Structural frame?