This former summoner spell was able to be used while the player's champion was dead.
What is Revive?
Doran's Ring + 2 Health Potions
This eSports dynasty has won the most LoL worlds titles of all time.
What is SKT T1 (just known as T1 currently)?
This is another term for the "recall" action.
What is to "base"?
This champion hits his powerspike at 0/10
Who is Yasuo?
Although this giant, magical arachnoid still exists in the universe of Runeterra, it was removed from League of Legends alongside the removal of Twisted Treeline.
Who is Vilemaw?
Noonquiver + Berserker's Greaves
Who is Braum?
This action is typically performed when you right-click (default keybind) on an enemy.
What is a basic attack?
Fill in the blank: I hope ___ wins xD. I’m a ___ main and she’s just so fun!! People get so trolled by the bubble, and her voice lines are so cute like when she sings about chocolate cake LOL! She’s super random but also smarter than she looks, just like me xD
Who is Zoe?
This former rune rewarded players for combat, allowing them to line their pocket with extra gold and consumable items when attacking enemy champions.
What is Kleptomancy?
Hextech Alternator + Blasting Wand
This worlds-winning LPL midlaner is known for his unconventional playstyle and diverse champion pool.
Who is FPX DoinB?
This is a term for a high-stakes endgame situation, where both teams opt into targetting the enemy team's nexus at the risk of losing their own first.
What is a base race?
This champion and summoner spell combination is a favorite of griefers and inters
What is Ghost/Cleanse Nunu?
This removed item upgrade granted a buff to jungler's smite summoner spells - this "purple smite" stunned jungle monsters and restored mana and health to the player's champion.
Ranger's Trailblazer
Everfrost + Ionian Lucidity Boots
Of these three organizations, this team is the only one to have an LCS title.
Immortals, FlyQuest, CLG
Purchasing a faerie charm increases this champion stat.
What is base mana regeneration rate? (base mana regen)
These two champions are known for *actually* hitting their game-ending powerspikes at level 16.
Who are Kayle and Kassadin?
This game mode was the first to utilize AI opponents in a limited time game mode.
What is Doom Bots (of Doom)?
Goredrinker + Phage + Pickaxe
This former support, who played for Azubu Frost and CJ Entus, was considered one of the best supports in the world in his prime, and he grants his name to a type of flashy skillshot play.
Who is MadLife?
Aatrox has the highest of this stat in the game, granting him a high pool of durability at level 1.
What is base health?
You will be playing 1v2 botlane if your support locks in this champion.
What is Bard?