Who is responsible for Warwicks transformation?
Who is Singed
Which champion had the 'Gentleman' skin?
Who is Cho'Gath
What is the shopkeeper species on BLUE side? (bottom)
What is Yordle
Who initially gives Vi and her gang the information that leads to the failed Piltover heist?
Who is Ekko
Who is Miss Fortune?
Who is Warwick
How many Drakes change the map?
What is 6 Drakes (say Drake :D)
Who is MAX's 3rd highs mastery champ?
Who is Ezreal
What is the name of the rebel group Ekko leads?
Who are The Firelights
What is one of the RAREST skins in League?
PAX skins, Silver Kayle, Judgement Kayle, King Rammus, Black Alistar,
Which champion can globally execute an enemy champion gaining gold if they kill the target?
Who is Draven
What were the Golems replaced by?
What is a Krug
Who is MICO's 2nd highest mastery champ?
Who is Ashe
What work does Jayce's family do?
Who are Toolmakers
Which skinline has the MOST skins? (3 possible answers)
What is StarGuardian
What is Cosmic
What is Darkstar
Which champion has a hidden passive that grants bonus experience when near an allied champion?
Who is Zilean
How many turrets are on the map?
What is 22 Turrets
What is 642
What is Heimerdingers first name?
Who is Cecil
Who was the first champion to receive a Legendary?
Who is Tryndamere
Use the first letter of each champion to form the new one. RENEKTON IRELIA VIKTOR EZREAL NEEKO :-)
Who is Riven
What is the name of the river that runs through the center of Summoners Rift?
What is The Serpentine River
Who was the first champion SHER mained on League of Legends?
Who is ZYRA