Fire child
Who is Annie?
The world champions in 2022
Who are DRX?
The song that plays in a game 5 of a best-of 5 series (Bonus if you can get the song's composer as well)
Silver Scrapes (BONUS: Danny McCarthy)
Who is Doublelift?
The best crit item spike in the game (activates at 60%)
What is Infinity Edge?
Most useful blindpick tank
Who is Ornn?
The major region to have never won a world championship
What is North America or NA?
The champion from the clip when the famous player yells 'SUPPORT IS SO EASY'
Who is Leona?
Who is Faker?
What is Trinity Force?
Name of a character from the hit Netflix show, a sister, a champion Rebeca whispered into my ear, has a minigun and rockets
Who is Jinx?
Christopher's favorite team (bonus if you know both names AND their current sponsor)
What is Formerly Team Curse, presently Team Liquid Honda?
Name of the hit Netflix show that spawned the meme: "<CHAMP_NAME> from _____"
What is Arcane?
Northeastern University's Varsity Support player in 2018 and coach from 2019-2021
Christopher Bravo
Best in slot MR (magic resist) item on current patch in many situations for tank champions?
What is Force of Nature?
The most satisfying adc champion to watch at high skill levels (could be described as a twink I believe?)
Who is Ezreal?
The team sponsored by a failed cryptocurrency platform whose name is often chanted at events they aren't even playing at
Who is Team Solo Mid? (TSM TSM TSM)
Who is Aphelios?
Famous for his backdoor play
Who is xPeke?
Cost of a Ruby Crystal in Gold?
Christopher's Favorite Champion (hint: has a lantern)
Who is Thresh?
The first, second, and third world champions (They are the three different teams, bonus if you can name their regions as well)
Who are Fnatic from EU, Taipei Assassins from Taiwan (not CN in this context), and SKT T1 from Korea?
The meteoric rise of this meme is a conglomerate of two champion names
Who is Jhin Zhao?
Rush Hour's Better Half, Support is SO EASY
Who is Aphromoo?
The item Jensen didn't use in his most notorious misplay as Ekko
What is Zhonya's Hourglass?