
The role of Secretariat in the LON?

●  The civil service of the League.

●  Performed all the administrative and financial work: organising conferences, distributing agendas, monitoring budgets, publishing reports, etc.


Why didn't the US join the LON?

The majority of the American Senate thought that the League would drag their country into future wars and disputes.


Explain the failure of unanimous decisions.

very difficult to take decisive action against a country that decided to disturb the peace.


What was Britain's purpose in joining the LON?

To extend its EMPIRE

What was "Economic sanctions"?

If moral disapproval failed then the Council could impose economic sanctions on the aggressor. 

This meant arranging a trade boycott and refusing credit.


The role of Assembly in the LON?

Met once a year. Every member of the League had one vote. Considered matters of general policy. Admitted new members. Elected non-permanent members of the Council.


When did the Germany join and leave the LON?

Joined in 1926 and left in 1933.


How did the lack of army affect the works of the LON?

The League did not have standing forces to call upon if it wished to impose military sanctions


What was France's purpose in joining the LON?

To ensure its security


What was introduced by the LON to ensure everyone had equal participation?

Unanimous decisions


The difference between the commissions and the committees?

COMMITTEE - permanent 

COMMISSIONS - temporary


When did Russia join and leave the LON?

Joined in 1934 and left in 1939


What is Mandates Commission?

Supervised the administration of Germany’s and Turkey’s former colonies by the victorious countries, especially Britain and France.


Why was Russia not invited to join the League?

it was communist and committed to the overthrow of capitalism.

What was "moral disapproval"?

Following an act of aggression the Council would meet and vote to condemn the action. 

The aggressive country, knowing that it had the weight of world opinion directed against it, might drop its aggressive action


Explain the Permanent Court of International Justice?

 Based in The Hague. 

Offered an arbitration service to countries in dispute. Provided legal advice to the Council.

 Staffed by 11 judges and 4 deputy judges elected
for 9 years by the Council and Assembly.


Why and when did Japan leave the LON?

Due to the invasion of Manchuria, left in 1933.


What is Special Committee for Drug Traffic?

Campaigned to reduce drug misuse and drug smuggling.


What were the aims of LON?

  • Avoid aggression between nations

  • Facilitate disarmament 

  • Improve living and working conditions globally

  • Enhance global cooperation through trade


What was "Military sanctions"?

If economic sanctions failed then, as a last resort, the Council could impose military sanctions.

This might involve sending an army to assist the victim of the aggression.


The role of the Council in the LON?

      The executive body of the League.

  • Met four or five times a year and in times of crisis.

  •  Had permanent and non-permanent members.


The difference between French and British intentions in the LON?

Britain was concerned with trying to maintain its empire while France was primarily concerned with increasing security against Germany.


What was Danzig Commission for?

To exercise direct League control over the former German city.


What were the rules of LON?

  • All major nations would join (certain countries eg. Germany and USSR barred)

  • All nations would practise disarmament

  • All disputes between countries would be taken and resolved by the LON and its decisions accepted and respected

  • A Covenant was drawn up - in the event that any nation broke the covenant and went to war, all other nations were to cease economic relations with it immediately, and send troops to intervene if necessary


What is collective security?

Collective security was the intended means by which the League was to maintain peace. There were three stages that could be followed to stop an aggressive power.