Parts Of Speech
Sentence Purpose/
Figures of Speech
Sentence types
What is the verbal in the sentence below? I like to play basketball with my friend, Gabrielle.
To play
What BEST describes a an interrogative sentence? A. "Come here, please." B. "How are you today, sir?" C. " Please explain the problem."
What is B. "How are you today?"
Which of the following identifies the figure of speech for the sentence? " It's raining cats and dogs."
What is an idiom
How can you identify a compound sentence? A. if it has two independent clauses B. two dependent clauses c. one dependent, one independent clauses
What is A. If it has two independent clauses
Conjunctions are___ a. words used to join words or group of words b. Synonyms c. Possessions
What is a. words used to join words or groups
What does a Gerund end in? A. -ed B. -ing C. -ly
What is B. -ing
which of the following is NOT an example of a linking verb? A. is, were, been B. been, is, am C. and, but,who
What is C. and, but, who
Hyperbole is an _____
What is exaggeration
"I read the next chapter in the book, and I cleaned up my area." This is a ______ sentence type
What is compound
What is the formula for an indirect object? A. s+f=d B. s+V+DO+ask whom or what
What is B. s+v+DO+ask whom or what
Which of the following shows possesion? A. The Pilgrim's ship was wrecked. B. Asias notebook is torn. C. Books are heavy
What is A. The Pilgrim's ship was wrecked.
How many Pronouns are there?
What is seven
"The wind blew, and the trees danced through the night." This is an example of ___
What is personification
Complex sentences contain ____ Independent clauses and __ dependent clauses.
What is 1 independent clause joined by dependent clause(s)
Prepositions_________________________. A. shows relationship between a noun or Pronoun to another word in sentences. B. Joining of phrases C. Intesive verbs
What is A. shows relationship between a noun or Pronoun to another word in sentences.
Adjectives are _______
" I walked to Deja's house today." The following is a ______ sentence
What is declarative
"Peter Piper picked a pickle pepper in the pickle pepper patch." What is this an example of? A. Idiom B. Personificatiopn C. Alliteration
What is C. alliteration
Simple sentences have ___ independent clauses
What is 1
subjects tell the reader_______ a. who or what the sentence is about b. my grandmother c. the athlete
What is a. who or what the sentence is about
Identify the verb type in the sentence below. "I will be hosting the school play tomorrow." "will be" is a _________
What is a helping verb
"I"m going to Six Flags for the first time today!" This sentence is exclamatory. Which means it shows__
What is excitement
"The trees danced upon the windy night." What does this mean? A. The trees did he Harlem shake. B. The pears fell off of the tree. C. Th trees swayed side to side caused by the wind.
What is C. The trees swayed side to side caused by the wind.
"I went to the store last night, and the night before." is a ____ sentence.
What is simple