Research Simulation
Narrative Writing
What's the prompt?
Restate the prompt
Context Clues

Draw the three steps to plan for a research simulation prompt. 

Step 1: Identify the prompt 

Step 2: (Claim or What type of evidence are you looking for?)

Step 3: Look for two pieces of evidence in each article 


Draw the narrative writing chart (the chart we draw to plan for narrative writing)



Beginning (First) , Middle (Last) , End (Second)


Identify what is the prompt asking you to do? 

Prompt: You have read passages from the novels The Georges and the Jewels and Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse. Both were written in the first person point of view. 

Write an essay in which you compare the way the authors use first person point of view to develop the characters. Be sure to cite specific examples from both passages.

Compare and contrast how the authors use first person point of view to develop the characters. 


Restate the prompt 

You have read a passage from Navajo Code Talkers, the article “American Indians in the United States Army,” and the passage “What’s So Special About Secret Codes?”

Write an article to display at a local history museum that explains the authors’ purposes for writing. Include an explanation of each author’s purpose and what information the author includes to convey that purpose. Consider how the authors’ purposes are similar and different. 

In the article "Name of article" the author's purpose for writing this is to ______________________________. 


What is the meaning of the word as it is used in the following sentence. 

They made a romantic pair all right, especially in the blindfold (sequence). 

What is the meaning of the word sequence? 

sequence = order (happening in order)


How many pieces of evidence will you look for in each article? 

Two pieces of evidence 

Name the two types of narrative writing prompts you will see on the LEAP?

Perspective Re-Write , Continuation (When you continue the story) 


Identify what is the prompt asking you to do 

Prompt: You have now learned about tornadoes by reviewing three sources: the passage from Tornado!, the article “Measuring Tornadoes,” and the article “New Alert System Designed to Warn Residents of Storms and Other Dangers.”

Write an essay explaining the purpose of the information in each source. Be sure to include how data gathered by scientists and officials have changed our understanding of tornadoes. Support your answer with evidence from each source.

Write an essay that explains what is the purpose of each article (what type of information is each article giving you). 


Restate the prompt

You have read three texts that claim that the main role of a modern zoo is to protect animals in captivity (while they are held) captive. Write an essay that compares and contrasts the evidence each passage uses to support this claim. Be sure to use evidence from all three passages to support your response.

 In the article "Name of article" the main role of zoo is to protect animals in captivity by ________________________________________. 


What is the meaning of the word as it used in the following sentence. 

I suppose you could call it the (egocentrism) of a child, of all young children, but I considered her a less finished version of myself.

What is the meaning of the word egocentric?  

egocentrism = self-centered


Restate and answer the prompt. 

Prompt: Write an essay explaining what has happened to the pandas' natural habitat. Explain how the loss of habitat has contributed to the decline in panda population. 

  In the article "Helping Giant Pandas" over the years, giant pandas' natural habitats have been destroyed or cut down. This loss of panda territory has contributed to the decline of panda population, because the bears are losing their food resources, their homes, and dens where they can give birth. 

Criteria for Success 

-Mentions the name of the article

-Answers what happened to the panda 

-Answers how the loss of habitat causes the panda population to decrease.


Determine is the prompt is a perspective re-write or continuation.

Prompt: You have read a passage from "The Growin Of Paul Bunyan". Think about how the story would be different if it would be told from Johny's point of view. Write a story from Johny's point of view.

Perspective re-write.


Identify what is the prompt asking you to do

Prompt: . You have now read three passages discussing exercising in cold weather. Write an essay that analyzes how a person can overcome the challenges of exercising throughout the year, despite the weather conditions. Use details from all three passages to support your answer.

Analyzes how a person can overcome the challenges of exercising throughout the year, despite the weather conditions.


Restate the pronpt

Prompt: You have read “The Sword of Damocles” and “The Eighteenth Camel.”Write an essay describing how a common theme is conveyed through the events that occur in each passage. Use details from both passages to support your response.

 In the passage "Name of Passage" the theme that is conveyed is _______________________. 


In the passage "Name of Passage" the theme is ______________________________.


What is the meaning of the word as it is used in the following sentence 

It (commemorates) the disaster that put our town smack on the front page of the Boston and New York tabloids.

What is the meaning of the word commemorate? 

commemorates = marks by some ceremony or observation


State one piece of evidence from the article "Helping Pandas"  support what happened to the pandas and how the loss of habitat causes the panda population to decrease. 

Article "Helping Pandas" 

According to the text, "Bamboo is the most important plant in a panda's life, because that is what it eats! ... Sometimes their food supply is low because after the bamboo produces seeds, the entire plant dies. When that happens, pandas move to another area. But now, with humans taking up much of the pandas' habitat, pandas are often unable to move to another area and may starve." (Paragraph 3). 

In the text, " But now, with humans taking up much of the panda’s habitat, pandas are often unable to move to another area and may starve. In some areas, humans have cleared forests to grow only one or two kinds of bamboo, but it is not the kind pandas need to survive." (paragraph 3). 


Determine if the prompt is a perspective re-write or continuation.

In the passage, the author creates a vivid setting and two distinct characters, Mrs. Chipley and Sally. Think about the details the author uses to establish the setting and the characters.

Write an original story about what happens when Sally arrives at Aunt Sarah’s house. In your story, be sure to use what you have learned about the setting and the characters as you tell what happens next.

Continuation because you are continuing the story. 


Identify what is the prompt asking you to do

Prompt: The author of “Exercise and Cold Weather” discusses the dangers of exercising in harsh weather and the precautions people should take before exercising in these conditions. Write an essay analyzing the ways the people described in all three passages have either acted properly or improperly while exercising in cold weather. Be sure to include evidence from all three passages in your essay.

analyzing the ways the people described in all three passages have either acted properly or improperly while exercising in cold weather.


Restate the prompt 

Prompt: Based on the passage from “Roberto Ignacio Torres Bakes” and the passage from “The Dreamer,” write an essay that explains how Papi and Neftalí change

In the passage "Name of Passage" in the beginning (name of character) was _______________. In the end the character changes because __________________. 


What is the meaning of the word as it is used in the following sentence

Flames had pierced one side wall, and the glare of the fire lighted the (massive) limbs and trunk of the vigorous old elm that had probably been planted the year the house was built, a hundred years ago at least.

What is the meaning of the word massive? 

massive = very large


State one piece of evidence from the article "Giant Pandas" to support what happened to the giant pandas and how loss of habitat contributes to the decline in panda population. 

According to the text, "Today, many pandas are isolated in these small sections of forest, because they will cross into areas where humans live. The result is that the giant pandas cannot connect with one another to mate and have babies." (paragraph 9). 

In the text it states, "More people means more land is needed for farming. It also means more forests are cut for wood to build and heat houses. Loss of habitat in lowland areas has forced pandas to live only in the mountains." (paragraph 8). 


Determine if the prompt is perspective re-write or continuation.

In the passage from Zoobreak, the author develops two very different characters named Ben and Griffin. Consider the details the author uses to develop these two characters.

Write an original story that continues where the passage ends. In your story, be sure to use what you have learned about the characters as you tell what happens next.



Identify what is the prompt asking you to do

Prompt: You have read two passages that share a similar theme. Write an essay comparing how each passage demonstrates the theme of children being given the freedom to follow their own desires. Support your response with details from both passages.

compare how the theme "children being given the freedom to follow their own desires" are similar in both stories.


restate the prompt 

You have read three articles about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill.

• from "The Amazing Penguin Rescue" by Lauren Tarshis
• "The Amazing Penguin Rescue" by Dyan deNapoli
• "Update on Penguin Rescue Efforts from Oil Spill in South Atlantic"

Write an essay explaining the similarities and differences in each article's point of view about penguin rescue efforts after an oil spill. Support your essay with information from all three sources.

In the article "Name of Article" the author's point of view about penguin rescue after an oil spill is __________________________________. 


What is the meaning of the word as it is used in the following sentence 

It was the friendliest tap, a bit (tentative), as if she was afraid she had arrived too early at a friend's house.

What is the meaning of the word tentative? 

tentative = done in a careful or unsure way (indicating a lack of confidence in exactly what will happen)