Consequence Interventions
Antecedent Interventions
Self Management
Try your luck
Antecedents another round
What guides you to an appropriate intervention. (hint: we study the ___ of behavior when we create FBA's)
What is the function of the behavior?
The schedule of reinforcement is called _____ when reinforcement is delivered after each response according the following: 3 11 4 7 7 10 fixed ratio 7 variable ratio 7 fixed interval 7 variable interval 7
What is a variable ratio schedule 7 schedule?
If escape behaviors are occurring frequently, it is often due to... (schedule of reinforcement being too dense/thin/negative/variable)
What is schedule of reinforcement being too thin?
Systematic Desensitization/Exposure Therapy is most often used to treat... (developmental delays; phobias; tooth brushing; or systems)
What are phobias?
Errorless learning would be most appropriate to prevent... Hint: Is it behavior that is attention maintained; behavior that is automatically maintained; behavior that is escape maintained; or behavior that is to gain access to an item/activity?
What is escape maintained behavior
The "I" in DRI stands for. Incomplete; Incompetent; Incompatible; orimprobable
What is incompatible?
Using antecedent interventions is considered this type of approach to solving problems. (Proactive or Reactive approach)
What is a proactive approach?
The best example of an operationally defined behavior for being off task is: Acting out during class time; Tapping on things or moving too much when stillness is the expectation; Looking at or touching items other than the assignment in front of the student for over 5 seconds; All of the above are operational definitions for "being off task".
What is Looking at or touching items other than the assignment in front of the student for over 5 seconds?
____ are some of the benefits of self-management for the instructor? (shifting control of the target behavior from the teacher to the student and increasing student independence; self-management strategies allows a teacher to spend a lot of time in classroom management and discipline; a statistically significant decrease in volume since they are no longer giving verbal instructions; all of the above
What is shifting control of the target behavior from the teacher to the student and increasing student independence?
This is when a behavior occurs more often in the presence of a particular discriminative stimulus than in it's absence.
What is stimulus control?
Spontaneous recovery is most commonly associated with... reinforcement punishment extinction sensory behavior
What is extinction?
If Suzi shouts out in class for the function of getting attention a good antecedent intervention strategy would be. (hint: think non-contingent)
What is non-contingent attention?
True or False: According to the research, even when under rewarding ones self, the desired behavior change was still often seen.
What is True?
14. The steps for self-monitoring include all of the following, EXCEPT: Operationally define the target to be self-monitoring Select reinforcers for accurate self-monitoring Teach the child how to use the self-monitoring device accurately Use most to least prompting every time the device sounds
What is Use most to least prompting every time the device sounds?
____ the pace of instruction can decrease the likelihood of escape behaviors. hint: increasing; decreasing; changing; varying
What is increasing THE PACE OF INSTRUCTION?
Anne engages in hand mouthing. She is reinforced every time she is engaged in a behavior that is incompatible with hand mouthing (e.g. drawing). This differential reinforcement procedure is... DRO; DRA; DRI; DRL
What is DRI?
These are the 3 types of behavior interventions used in behavior intervention plans.
What are antecedent interventions, replacement behaviors, and consequence interventions?
Of the following, this is a prerequisite that is most helpful for activity schedules? Strong reading ability; Aversion to manual guidance; Developmentally appropriate vocal skills; Match to sample (picture-object correspondence)
What is match to sample (picture-object correspondence)?
10. Additional goals within self-monitoring include: Increasing the number of self-recording responses that is expected before reinforcement. Reducing the schedule of reinforcement by increasing the duration between times when self-recording is expected. Accessing reinforcement by the individual for successful self-recording should be taught. All of the above
What is All of the above?
Of the following this is not an example of a motivating operation. being in pain; being hungry; being angry; being cold
What is a being angry?
Another name for fast trigger is.
What is antecedent?
Scott screams whenever he doesn't get his beverage of choice. A good antecedent intervention would be...
What is functional communication training (FCT)?
When first instructing an individual in self-management, the target behavior should be ______________. able to be performed fairly quickly and easily; of medium complexity so they don't access too much reinforcement; a few steps ahead of where their baseline shows they are performing; or loosely defined so there are multiple opportunities for reinforcement
What is able to be performed fairly quickly and easily?
Self-management teaches______________ . a general skill that can be used in an unlimited number of environments a number of situation specific behaviors one situation specific behavior all of the above
What is a general skill that can be used in an unlimited number of environments?
Wait and transition programs are used as antecedent behaviors for this type of behavior. (behaviors to escape/avoid something; behaviors to gain item/activity; gain sensory stimulation; or behaviors to gain attention)
What are behaviors to gain item/activity?