Who is Michelle? Internship Coordinator; works at The Center, offers resume and cover letter support, coordinates with companies and businesses to create internships for LEAPERS, links clients to internships and supports them throughout the completion of phase 1 and phase 2
Who is Kyla?
Learning, Employment, Advancement, Placement
What does LEAP stand for?
208 W 13 St, New York, NY 10011
Where is the Center ?
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday , Friday 11-1 PM
When and where does Life Skills take place?
Metrocards, Gift Cards, Checks
What incentives does LEAP offer?
Job Developer, facilitates enrollment in Jobzone, links you to employment opportunities, assists in career planning and job preparation.
Who is Christian?
Education, Employment, Internship
What are the core services LEAP offer?
The A to 14th Street
What train do you take to get to the Center from Ali Forney?
Harriet, James , Stephan, Brent, Pete
Name a LEAP Mentor or LEAP Coach
Event where LEAP staff, mentors and LEAPer’s celebrate LEAP achievements .
What is the LEAP Achievement Ceremony or Golden Girls?
Education Specialists, supports you in education goals, achieving credentials, HSE or enrolling in vocational programs or university, assists with fee waivers and retrieving education documents.
Who is Ezra?
Communication, Respect, Professionalism
What are LEAP expectations?
Attend our LEAP escort to the Center, complete your Center welcome packet and set an appointment with Michelle.
How do I begin the process to get an internship?
Every other Friday, 10- 1 PM with Victoria .
When do I pick up my check?
True or False : Once a leaper, ALWAYS a leaper.
True. The LEAP program pays clients for one year. After that LEAP year we cannot offer incentives however we can offer non financial support.
Internship Coordinator; works at The Center, offers resume and cover letter support, coordinates with companies and businesses to create internships for LEAPERS, links clients to internships and supports them throughout the completion of phase 1 and phase 2.
Who is Michelle?
Let us know beforehand. Provide a work, internship or school schedule to LEAP staff to receive make up work OR wait until the next LEAP cycle to attend the workshop.
What happens if you can't make it to lifeskills?
Depending on the internship you choose, between 80- 160 hours.
How many hours is your LEAP Internship?
E-mail or call 1- 2 hours in advance, the LEAP staff appreciate and encourages consistent communication.
What if I am late or miss an appointment?
Obtaining and retaining steady employment in order to achieve and maintain independence.
What is the long term incentive of the LEAP program?
LEAP Retention Specialist, support you on escorts, follows up about attendance and engagement, coordinates LEAP events. This staff is frequently at the front desk encouraging LEAP attendance.
Who is Victoria?
TABE, Casey Life Skills, DOB Verification , Jobzone, LEAP Enrollment Form
What are the 5 enrollment requirements?
Submit timesheets to Michelle, every Friday by 11am . The schedule is posted outside of the LEAP Lab.
When are timesheets due?
Add the LEAP Facebook Page, checking e-mail or adding the LEAP life skills calendar assists in finding out about this.
Where do I find out about LEAP events?
True or False: LEAPers are paid hourly.
False - Only LEAPers engaged in internships are paid hourly.