What is Leading Effective Academic Practice?
Learning Environment and Instruction
What are the classroom observation sections of the LEAP Framework?
What are the number of indicators in the classroom observations section of the LEAP Framework?
What is Student Learning Objective?
What is Denver Public Schools
The multiple measure growth and performance system used to coach, develop, and evaluate teachers in DPS
What is LEAP?
Uses students' work and data to plan, adjust and differentiate instruction.
What is a category in the professionalism section of the LEAP framework?
LE.3, I.1, I.3, I.5
What are the "Gateway Indicators"?
Measures students' progress toward mastery of the Colorado Academic Standards and includes multiple sources of evidence.
What are SLOs?
English Language Development
What is the percentage that classroom observations have on the LEAP pie?
Two times a year
How many times do we assess professionalism in a school year?
A collaborative process between the teacher and their observer to support teacher growth and increase student achievement.
What is a coaching cycle?
What are the number of SLOs all full time teachers need to submit at the beginning of the year?
What are Multilingual Learners
What is the percentage that PROFESSIONALISM and STUDENT VOICE have on the LEAP pie?
Demonstrates self-awareness, reflects on practice with self and others and acts on feedback.
What is an indicator on the professionalism section of the framework?
At least 4 data points
What is the minimum number of data points teachers should have in an SLO body of evidence?
Measures the academic growth of all students and is applied to all teachers within each school. (10%)
What is the collective measure in the student growth part of the LEAP pie?
What is the new SLO and LEAP platform? Growth Performance System
What is the percentage that STUDENT GROWTH (slos) have on the LEAP pie?
What is the minimum of scored classroom observation per year?
Ahead, Prepared, Somewhat Prepared, Underprepared, Significantly Underprepared
What are the SLO baseline preparedness levels?
Multiple data sources that indicate students' mastery of prerequisite standards taught in the prior grade and indicate students' readiness to engage in grade level standards?
What is baseline preparedness?
What is a noninstructional itinerant?