Excel Plotting
Excel Functions
Where to find things?
Matlab Basics
Problem Solving

After adding a trendline, this is one more important element to add to your plot.

What is Equation to the data(Slope)?


When starting to type an Excel function you must begin with this character/punctuation.

What is an equal sign (=)?


This is where you would find your instructor's office hours.

What is the syllabus? 


Many lines of code have a difficult time processing at the right time so in order to do this you must place something on the end of your line.

What is a semi-colon?


The specific problem solving method used in this class.

What is SOLVEM?


This is the word you should not use in your plot titles.

What is versus?


This is the Excel function for standard deviation.

What is STDEV?


The ESPs, that are to be done before your sessions, are located in this area.

What is the class home page in the weekly grid?


A variable is used to save information in an easy and efficient way. This is what you would type to create a variable.

What Variablename = ?


This is what SOLVEM stands for.

What is Sketching, Objectives, List variables, Equations, and Manipulations. 


When plotting data in Excel we use either points or lines. This is what the points and lines represent.

What is points mean experimental data and line means theoretical data?


This is what the input for the COS() function must be.

What is RADIANS?


This is where you should go when you are confused about a Matlab assignment on a Wednesday night.

What is the engineering fundamental Learning center?


These two functions are good for keeping your workspace and command window organized. Usually the first thing written when creating a script.

What is clc and clear?


This is the first thing you should do when beginning to solve a problem.

What is create a sketch?


This is the button you click to choose to include a trendline on your plot.

What is Add Chart Element?


This is the type of addressing you would use when doing unit conversions when the conversion factor is in a cell on the sheet.

What is absolute addressing?


This is the second quick link on the ENG1101 course canvas page.

What is the discord invitation link?


To ensure your work is not copied and used in cheating, your instructors encourage you to comment these things on top of your code with this punctuation at the beginning.

What is date,section,name with the %?


This is the step of SOLVEM in which you plug numbers into equations.

What is Test Case?


Each axis label should be written in this very specific way.

What is Thing (Variable symbol) [Units]?


When it comes to referencing your values for each function, you can use a "$" to keep referencing the same column/row/cell. These are the three different types of cell referencing.

What is relative, mixed and absolute?


The location to find the guidelines of each assignment.

What is the rubric?


There are three boxes displayed to you in the matlab center. The command window where you enter commands and the workspace is where the new variables are stored. The third box is

What is current folder?


These should be done to ensure that all variables can be used in the equations together.

What are unit conversations?