Getting to Know You
Great Expectations
A Healthy/Safe Leapfrogger is a Happy Leapfrogger
Let's Talk about It (Communication)
Ready, Set, Go!
Program Coordinator
What is the title of the individual of the permanent CTD staff member who oversees an individual program?
In order to create a safe and successful learning community, I will: • Be honest and do my own work; • Treat others with kindness and respect; • Help keep my classroom and the school grounds clean; • Follow the rules and listen to the teachers. I understand that what I do matters to other people and that being a part of Leapfrog depends on my following this code.
What is the Leapfrog honor code?
(1) students are never alone and (2) staff members are aware of students’ whereabouts at all times
What is CTD’s Standard of Supervision?
[Fill in the blank] should be checked at least once per day. They are in or near the Leapfrog office. TAs share them with their instructors.
What are the mailboxes?
It is used to supplement Instructional Staff Training and provides valuable professional development modules and readings as well as other Instructor and TA resources. You log in with your NetID.
What is Blackboard?
Site Coordinator
What is the title of the individual of the temporary CTD staff member who oversees an individual site for Summer/SEP?
Weapons or replicas of weapons of any kind, Materials containing images inappropriate for young children, Bikes/scooters/skateboards/roller skates/roller blades/roller shoes, pets
What are some of the prohibited items for students to bring?
The Site Coordinator has [fill in the blank] on hand at each site. In the event of minor injuries staff members can administer first aid after checking the [fill in the blank] for allergies. CTD staff may NOT give any [fill in the blank] to students.
What are “first aid kits,” “student’s health form,” and “non-prescription medications?”
Records of basic, important factual information regarding a student or staff member. Confidential in nature and used as internal documents. The PC reads through them on a regular basis.
What are Communication Forms?
There is one for each course and provides families and staff members with the goals and schedule for the course, as well as other details.
What is a syllabus?
Leapfrog, Spark, Solstice, Apogee, Spectrum, Equinox
What are the names of the CTD Summer programs?
Warning from staff member for first offense, parents are contacted by the Site Coordinator or Program Coordinator for severe offense or multiple rule infractions
What are the Leapfrog Discipline Procedures?
Health notes on the class roster
What is the place where staff members can view allergies and other important health needs?
Be polite and courteous, communicate with your supervisor, use parents as a resource, communicate early and avoid surprises, respect confidentiality.
What are guidelines for communicating with parents?
White butcher paper, construction paper, lined paper, copy paper, paper towels, kleenex, first aid kit, extra snacks.
What are general supplies made available to all instructors at all sites?
Summer Program, Saturday Enrichment Program, Gifted LearningLinks, NUMATS
What are the four central programs at CTD?
intense curiosity, ability to transfer knowledge, abstract thinker, early empathy development, concern with truth and fair play, perfectionism
What are characteristics of young gifted children?
Instructor/TA calls 911 and then Site Coordinator, who calls Parent and Program Coordinator. Program Coordinator calls the Summer Program Coordinator who calls the CTD Associate Director.
What is the emergency call tree?
Write down important information and make note of any unresolved questions that will require a follow-up call. All calls must be documented with a Communication Form.
What is the phone protocol?
Backpack/canvas bag, #2 pencils with an eraser, lined paper or spiral notebook, safety scissors, box of markers or crayons, glue stick or bottle of glue, healthy snack.
What are the supplies Leapfrog students bring each day?
The Summer Program challenges, supports and guides gifted students, families and its staff through its exceptional research-based programs and the development of meaningful relationships, fostering personal and intellectual growth in a diverse academic community.
What is the CTD Mission statement?
Accidents or illness, Behavior and/or classroom issues, Academic issues, Students struggling, Parent contact, Social and/or emotional concerns, Disciplinary action **Daily double! Within 12 hours
What are some of the reasons why a staff member would complete a Student Report Form? **What is the time frame in which a staff member has to complete a Student Report Form?
Student isn't present and all spaces have been checked. SC is notified immediately, friends/classmates are asked about the student's whereabouts. Student is considered a missing person. PC is notified, PC alerts police and SPC. PC notifies parents and further steps are taken in consultation with parents and police. **Daily double! Think, call your supervisor, use common sense, prioritize/compromise/maximize, follow-up.
What is the missing persons procedure? **What should you do when dealing with an emergency situation?
Remain calm. Let the parent vent their frustration, as long as they don't become insulting. Let them know you understand their complaint by summarizing, in your own words, what the parent is concerned about. Tell the parent you will look into their concern and they will hear back from you or your supervisor soon.
What is how to respond to irate parents?
Requests are made and the SC posts a schedule in the front office. If additional needs arise during the week the SC should be contacted. Staff members must monitor students to ensure computer use safety and security of computer equipment.
What are the procedures for requesting A/V equipment and using the computer lab and/or laptop cart?