What are germs?
Germs are tiny things that can make us sick.
Can germs jump from one person to another?
Yes, germs can spread when people cough or sneeze.
What is the best way to keep germs off your hands?
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Is the bathroom a place where germs can be?
Yes, bathrooms can have germs.
Can all germs make you sick?
No, not all germs make you sick. Some are good for you!
Are germs bigger than a paperclip?
No, germs are so tiny we can't see them without a microscope.
If you touch something with germs on it, can you get sick?
Yes, germs can spread if you touch things and then touch your face.
What should you do if you cough or sneeze?
You should cover your mouth with your elbow or a tissue.
Where do you think germs might hide on a playground?
Germs can hide on slides, swings, and toys.
Are there germs on your phone?
Yes, phones can have germs on them.
Can germs live on your hands?
Yes, germs can live on your hands if you don't wash them.
Do germs like to live in clean places?
No, germs love dirty places where they can hide.
Should you share food or drinks with your friends when you’re sick?
No, you shouldn’t share food or drinks when you’re sick.
Can there be germs on the door handles at school?
Yes, germs can live on door handles.
Can some germs help you feel better?
Yes, some germs are good for our bodies and help us stay healthy
What do germs need to grow?
Germs need warmth, moisture, and food to grow.
Can you get germs from pets?
Yes, sometimes germs can spread from pets to people.
Is it important to wash your hands before eating?
Yes, it is very important to wash your hands before eating.
Are the hands of your friends germ-free?
No, your friends’ hands might have germs if they haven’t washed them.
Do you think there are more germs inside or outside?
There are germs both inside and outside, but you can find them anywhere!
Can germs be helpful?
Yes, some germs are good and help our bodies, like the ones in our stomach!
Can germs spread by talking to someone close to you?
Yes, germs can spread when you talk, especially if you are very close.
What should you do after playing outside before you eat?
Wash your hands to get rid of germs before eating.
Do germs like to live on food or drink containers?
Yes, germs can be on food or drink containers, so it’s important to wash them before eating.
Do germs help break down food in our bodies?
Yes, some good germs in our stomach help break down the food we eat.