Where is our classroom library?
*Our classroom library has different categories we can choose from!
*When you open the book there are different labels that show you where to put the book.
Dance Moves!
Show us your dance moves for 1 minute!
Where will we do small groups?
*We only come to the small group table when we are called. You may either go to Mrs. Cone's table or to Ms. Garnto's table when that teacher calls you!
Where do we get our notebook paper, writing paper, glue sticks, dry erase markers, erasers, and crayons?
When you need writing paper during our writing time you may get up at any time and get a new piece of paper.
If you need any of the other supplies you will need to hold up the number three on your fingers to get up and grab what you need.
Jumping Jacks
Do 20 jumping jacks!
Where do we line up?
*We always line up quietly in number order.
*We will not touch others in line and we will stay on our spot until we begin to walk out of the classroom.
Shake it out!
Push up!!
Do 10 push ups!!
Where is the pencil sharpener?
We will put our dull pencils in the "please sharpen" bin and then we will grab a sharp pencil. Once you get one keep it in your pencil box until you need a new one!
Where will we put our folders?
*We put our folders here every morning.
*Ms. Garnto will give our folders back at the end of every day.
*We need to show our parents our folders every night.
Where will I put my computer?
*Plug in your computer at the end of every day.
*Make sure you put your computer back in your correct spot.
*If you have trouble with putting your computer up, let Ms. Garnto or Mrs. Cone know!
How do I know what hand signal to use if I forget?
Look up next to the alphabet!
1 finger- get your water bottle from the back wall
2- bathroom
3- any of the supplies you need
4- tissue
Run in place!
Run in place for 1 minute!
Jump 15 times!
Sprint in place!
Sprint in place for 1 minute!
Where do I turn in my papers?
Where is our book bins?
*We will keep 8 books at all times in our book bin.
*We will keep our reading notebook in our book bin and our sight words.
*We will also keep our guided reading book in our book bin as well.
Where are our classroom jobs?
*Our classroom jobs will change each week.
*Our classroom jobs are....
Where will I put my folders and composition notebooks?
*Put your folder and composition notebook in your correct at your drawer.
*Don't use anyone else's folders or notebooks.
Free Movement!