What does 'BTW' stand for?
By The Way
What does 'Bet' mean?
Agreement or confirmation ("Bet, I'll be there.")
Where is "Let it go" from?
Hit song from Frozen.
What does 'ETA' mean?
Estimated Time of Arrival
What does 'TTYL' mean?
Talk To You Later
What does 'Bussin' mean?
Extremely good, especially food ("This pizza is bussin'.")
What is 'The Upside Down'?
Parallel dimension from Stranger Things.
What does 'YOLO' mean?
You Only Live Once
What does 'LMK' mean?
Let Me Know
What does 'Rizz' mean?
short for “charisma,” and it means an ability to charm and woo a person.
Who said this iconic line, and what movie?: "You can’t sit with us!"
Gretchen Wieners and Mean Girls
What does 'RSVP' mean?
Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (Please Respond)
What does 'HMU' mean?
Hit Me Up
What does 'NPC' mean?
Someone acting predictably or without originality ("You're acting like an NPC.")
What is an 'Ewok'?
a Small furry species from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
What does 'TL;DR' mean?
Too Long; Didn’t Read
What does 'AFAIK' mean?
As Far As I Know
What does 'Boujee' mean?
Luxurious or high-class in a flashy way.
Which movie is this from "Onions have layers"?
The First Shrek.
Whar does 'TGIF mean?
Thank God It’s Friday