Chapter 1 - Air Force Traditions
Chapter 2 - The Cadet & The Team
Chapter 3 - The Art & The Science
Chapter 4 - The NCO & The Team
Chapter 5 - Brainpower for Leadership

The definition of the warrior spirit 

what is a condition of the heart?


A willingness to put the team’s needs ahead of your own

What is selflessness?


The reason why the team exists

What is "The mission"


The root of all military customs and courtesies

What is rooted in basic politeness and respect?


Define the term “team”

What is a "collection of individuals who are committed to working together to achieve a common goal"?


The Air Force definition of leadership

What is “the art and science of influencing and directing people to accomplish the assigned mission"?


This Core Value can be described as doing what is right, even when no one is looking

What is integrity?


In communications, what does the term, “feedback” mean?

What is "return to the speaker a portion of the message they sent to you"?


The Great man theory

What is "to study leadership, focus on the life stories of successful people"?


When walking with another cadet or an officer, it is customary for the junior person to walk on the left

What is the position of honor?


List the steps in the SQ3R method

What is "Survey, Question, Read, Recall, Review"?


What does the U.S flag symbolize

What is "it represents the best things about our people, our land, and our commitment to equality"


The leadership term is defined as “the ability to direct your thoughts, emotions, and actions toward a meaningful purpose”

What is self-discipline?


The 4 characteristics of good team members

What is "Self-Discipline, Selflessness, Enthusiasm, Loyalty"?


The theory that "Each leader is unique in their personal qualities and in their approach to leading"

What is the trait theory?