Types/Processes of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Learning
Reinforcement Schedules

Pavlov conditions a dog to salivate when he rings a bell. Now he changes the bell to one with a much deeper tone and the dog salivates, even though the bell is clearly different from the original one. Responding to a new stimulus as if it were the original CS is ________.

What is generalization


The psychologist associated with classical conditioning is 

Who is Ivan Pavlov


The psychologist associated with operant conditioning is

Who is B.F. Skinner


The psychologist associated with observational learning or cognitive learning is 

Who is Albert Bandura


A person checks the oven to see if chocolate chip cookies are done when the amount of  time need for baking is known

What is fixed-interval


John got terribly sick after eating a burger at a local fast-food chain. He cannot even drive past that restaurant without feeling nauseous. Oddly enough, he can eat at and pass several other fast food burger joints and not feel ill. What is most likely happening here?

What is discrimination


A friend has learned to associate the sound of a dentist’s drill to a fearful reaction because of a painful experience she had getting a root canal. The unconditioned stimulus is

What is the root canal or pain


Dad and his son enter the checkout lane of the supermarket.  When the child screams for candy, Dad pops a sucker in his mouth to quiet her down. This is ________ type of operant conditioning

What is positive reinforcement


A particular group of brain cells seems to provide a basis for observational learning. Researchers call these specialized cells

What is mirror neurons


Checking your computer every afternoon, knowing your romantic partner typically sends you a note at 3:00 pm.

What is fixed-interval


Dave has been working with a therapist to give up smoking. He has learned to stop having cravings when he sees someone about to light up a cigarette and thinks he is free. Then he goes to a party, sees a guy about to light up, and experiences strong cravings. What is going on?

What is spontaneous recovery


You get in a car accident and find you are afraid to get in a car. What is the conditioned response

What is fear

In a rainstorm, you put up an umbrella and stay dry.

What is negative reinforcement


Watching someone perform a behavior and imitating said behavior

What is observational learning


You get a bonus whenever your boss sees you working diligently, but you never know when she might appear.

What is variable-interval


A person stops responding to a conditioned stimulus

What is extinction


John B. Watson conducted an experiment where a child generalized fear of white rats to a fear of small white animals. This experiment is known as 

What is the Little Albert Experiment


A child hits his little sister when angry.  Every time he does so he is sent to the time out chair. He no longer hits his sister.

What is negative punishment


Navigating around a neighborhood because you can visualize it in your head is known as 

What is a cognitive map 


You are given $100 for every 1,000 words in your newspaper articles.

What is fixed-ratio


In phase one of a study, a researcher classically conditions a dog to salivate to the ringing of a bell. In the second phase, the researcher pairs a flashing light with the ringing of the bell. This is known as 

What is higher-order conditioning


You go to a fancy restaurant and decide to try an appetizer you’ve never tried before – escargot (snails).  After dinner, you go to a concert and get violently ill. Now just seeing snails makes you ill. What is the conditioned stimulus? 

What is seeing snails


Gradually guiding one's behavior to one more desired is known as

What is shaping


The experiment in which children observed acts of aggression and replicated those themselves is known as 

What is the Bobo Doll Experiment


A person buying state lottery tickets.

What is variable-ratio