Brain Development
Gradual process through which babies become adults. -development -developmental tasks -principles of growth and development -window of opportunity
What is development?
Brain cells that send and receive electrical impulses throughout the brain. dendrites neurons brain plasticity wiring
What is neurons
Traits that are passed to a child from blood relatives. environment heredity wiring teachable moment
What is heredity
The environment is a powerful force in growth and development.
What is True
three forces that promote growth and development.
What is Heredity, Environment, combination of both
Prime period in a child’s life for developing a particular skill. teachable moment window of opportunity sequenced steps brain plasticity
What is window of opportunity
Network of brain fibers. wiring neurons dendrites pruning
What is wiring
Conditions and situations that surround and affect a child. heredity environment teachable moment window of opportunity
What is environment
Which of the following is a poor child observation practice? -Introduce yourself to the person in charge and state why you are there. - Do not take a pencil and paper with you because that will interfere with your observations. - Leave promptly when finished. - Try not to distract children or adults from their activities.
What is Do not take a pencil and paper with you because that will interfere with your observations.
Before Sarah can learn to read, she must learn many skills, such as how to move her eyes from top to bottom and from left to right on the page. Learning this and other skills before reading is an example of ____. -continuous growth and development -constancy of growth and development -sequenced steps in growth and development -the effect of heredity on growth and development
What is sequenced steps in growth and developmen
L earnings or skills in growth and development that follow one another in a set order. development teachable moment sequenced steps brain plasticity
What is sequenced steps
Brain’s ability to weed out unused connections. pruning wiring teachable moment brain plasticity
What is pruning
Genetics is the study of ____. a person’s environment geography social growth heredity
What is heredity
Parents have the rights of guardianship and determine their children’s upbringing. Which of the following is an example of this? -Parents control the children’s level of financial support. -Parents control religious and moral teachings. -Parents control the kind of extent of education and health care. -All the above.
What is Parents control religious and moral teachings
Self Actualization Esteem Love/Belonging Safety Basic Needs Steps of ???
What is Maslows Hierarchy
Time when a person can learn a new task because the body is physically ready, caregivers encourage and support, and the child feels a strong desire to learn. sequenced steps teachable moment developmental task window of opportunity
What is teachable moment
Which of the following statements about brain plasticity is false? Brain development is mostly the result of heredity. Brain connections can be strengthened or pruned. The brain has prime periods for developing various skills. Experiences can affect brain development and brain health in both positive and negative ways.
What is Brain development is mostly the result of heredity
Genes can affect ____. both the existence and range of certain traits neither the range nor the existence of traits only the existence of certain traits only the range of certain traits
What is only the existence of certain traits
People today need to know more about child development than what they observed in their own families. This is required by ____. -an educational system that has not changed - changes that are taking place in society and in today’s families - recent regulations by local and state governments - pressures by the medical community upon the family
What is changes that are taking place in society and in today’s families
Child development focuses on changes that occur in children. This does not include the way ____. -children are treated by others -children’s bodies grow and develop -children think and learn -children feel about themselves and interact with others
What is children are treated by others
Child development is defined by the text as ____. an understanding of parent-child relations knowledge about children the scientific study of children social changes that occur as children become older
What is the scientific study of children
Brain’s ability to change or adapt to the environment. brain plasticity sequenced steps window of opportunity teachable moment
What is brain plasticity
Some genes affect the range of a trait. These genes determine a trait’s highest potential. Which of the following is a measure of inherited potential? A good grade in school. The adult height a person achieves if he or she has good health and a good diet throughout life. A job in management upon graduation. Success in graduate school.
What is The adult height a person achieves if he or she has good health and a good diet throughout life.
Which of the following is an example of a policy or law that protects children? -Children are responsible legally for their contracts. -Neglected children may not be placed in foster care. -Children have the rights of due process and fair treatment. -None of the above.
What is Children have the rights of due process and fair treatment.
Stages: prenatal stage, neonatal stage, infancy stage, toddler stage, preschool stage, school-age stage
What is six stages of the individual life cycle for children.