A solar eclipse can ONLY occur when the moon is in which phase?
New moon
How many planets are in the solar system ?
There are 8 planets
When earth is between the moon and the sun, the fully lit face of the moon is seen from Earth. the phase of the Moon is call a ____ moon.
What causes a solar eclipse?
When the moon Moon passes between Sun and Earth.
As the phases of the moon change, and we move from step C to D and back to A, we would say that the moon is ______, or the view of the moon we see is getting smaller?
When the Moon,Earth, and Sun are lined up as seen here, the gravity of the sun plus the gravity of the moon cause ____ tides on Earth.
Spring Tides
As Earth spins on its axis,producing night and day, it also moves about the sun in an elliptical orbit that requires about 365 1/4 days to complete. The Earth's axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane. when the earth's axis points towards the sun, it is ______ for that Hemisphere
How old is the Earth ?
4.543 billion years